Latest from the Creator
5 days ago
Checking in, Survey Update, and Free d20s!
Hail Wanderers! Checking in today to give you a little bit of an insight on what we've been up to for the last couple of weeks and to give you a quick update on the state of th...
The Dragons Vault
18 days ago
Post-Campaign Survey!
Hail and well met Wanderers, Huzzah and rejoice, for the post-campaign surveys are now on their way to you! Keep a keen eye on your inboxes this week, and please be sure to fil...
The Dragons Vault
19 days ago
Playtest 01 | Circle of Blight & Witch Knight
Hail and well met Wanderers, I arrive with the much anticipated premiere playtest document! But first some quick housekeeping, you will all be receiving your post-campaign surv...
23 days ago
First playtest survey and a backerkit shipping survey update!
Hail and well met Wanderers, Just dropping in today to let you know that Backerkit have recommended we move our Post Campaign Survey to early next week to maximise viewership o...
The Dragons Vault
29 days ago
Campaign Wrap-Up & Roadmap!
Hail and well met Wanderers, Our campaign for Faerie is over, twas a battle well fought and a victory well earned! Thank you all for raising your banner amongst our own, and ...
29 days ago
Thank you so much!
Hey guys! Just wanted to hop in real quick and thank you all so much for a crazy month, Conor has finally allowed himself to sleep after a truely incredible amount of work over the past few days but he will be back tomorrow with updates/timelines and the thrilling conclusion ...
The Dragons Vault
29 days ago

Project Update: Campaign Wrap-Up & Roadmap!

Hail and well met Wanderers,

Our campaign for Faerie is over, twas a battle well fought and a victory well earned! Thank you all for raising your banner amongst our own, and making this our most successful project to date! If you’re reading this and didn’t have chance to back, our pre-order store is now open too, and will remain so until we lock orders for manufacture and fulfilment next year.

Now onto the final business for this week, including a round up of loose ends and a key dates roadmap of what you can expect from us and when!

Willow’s Fate

If you’ve not already, go check out our final update on Willow to learn her fate, and find out what awesome rewards you have all unlocked as a result of your choices and rolls! The final roll was done live on stream, and thanks to my sleep deprivation and the efforts of your fellow backers, something pretty wild happened…

Post-Campaign Survey

Expect to receive your post campaign surveys in one weeks time, August 30th. Once they’ve been sent out you will have until September 30th to complete them. If your surveys are not complete by the deadline we cannot guarantee you will receive your rewards, so please do make sure to get them filled in when they arrive.

Playtest Content

Our first playtest survey will also be released on August 30th, to collect your feedback on the preview PDF content such as the Fetch Rogue and Witch class (we will release the full class soon, and collect more thorough feedback later once all features and spells have been made available). We will also be releasing our first official playtest document on August 30th. Which will contain the Witch Knight Fighter subclass, the Circle of Blight Druid subclass, spells & more! We will release a survey the following month for you to post your feedback, alongside the next playtest document. This will continue monthly until we finalise the book ready for fulfilment!

Update & Streaming Schedule

You can expect to hear from us here on Backerkit fortnightly (every 2 weeks) with an official update that will detail progress on the book, the art, and the various rewards! As for streaming, I don’t yet know when we will be hopping on again, but rest assured it will happen and you will be notified plenty in advance. Last nights stream was a tonne of fun, we designed two new monsters and even rolled Willows final roll live! If you missed it, the VoD is available on YouTube HERE.

Fulfilment Timeline

We are penned for a June 2025 fulfilment date, digital goods will likely go out some time prior but this is the deadline we have for everything so expect notifications about receiving rewards no later than May 2025. Returning backers from Tempest can expect your exclusive “Guide to the Wyldsea” expansion to be with you sometime in the next couple months, and any purchases of the Tempest PDF or Dragons Vault Digital Collection will be sent out in a similar timescale once we’ve finished all of our backend work for Faerie.

That’s all of the important dates going forward! If there’s any amendments, changes or delays we will be sure to make you aware as far in advance as possible.

And as a final note, I’d like to say a personal thank you to every single one of you who joined us on this campaign. Because of you me and Aston get to work our dream jobs, I can’t emphasise enough how grateful we are! And if you are returning from Tempest, a special thank you for sticking with us as we continue to grow and develop! Aston will be handling surveys and content for the next week or so while I take a short holiday after working pretty relentlessly the last couple of months, I’ll still be  active in our discord if you have any questions or want to talk about Faerie!


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5 days ago

Project Update: Checking in, Survey Update, and Free d20s!

Hail Wanderers!

Checking in today to give you a little bit of an insight on what we've been up to for the last couple of weeks and to give you a quick update on the state of the post campaign surveys!

Firstly an important note, our fortnightly updates here will be released on Mondays going forward rather than Fridays as previously stated. This is just so that we can make sure as many of you see them as possible, and make sure we are around and in office to respond to any questions or comments they generate!

14 Days Remain!

As of right now around 80% of you have completed the backerkit surveys which is absolutely wonderful! But for those of you that haven't gotten around to it yet you only have two weeks left before the close date on the 30th September! Filling out these surveys are important for us to gather order numbers, shipping address', and other important information so please ensure you get these done! If your card failed during the campaign (we are currently sat at around 5% of you) then your survey will allow you to make sure you still get your goods as it will give you a chance to re-charge for your missed pledge! But this will be the last chance for those backers to retain their goods!

Early Bird D20

We have gone ahead and added the early bird d20 to everyones pledge that was eligible, for physical backers this means everything will be handled as usual with the shipping. However for digital only backers who were eligible for it you will see a charge of £25 showing on your survey, this is the ROW shipping rate. Once you pop in your shipping address it should come down to the correct rate for your region! Of course there will be those digital backers who don't want to pay for the shipping on the D20 and thats perfectly fine! if you just reach out to me at [email protected] I can remove it for you!

Whats next?

Over in our Discord Server we've been working away on the content included in our next playtest, including a community vote that will allow ya'll to have a say on what you want to see next! On the dev side of thing we've been working mostly on our subclasses so we can get them out and playtested to you guys ASAP! But Conor has been working on a certain spidery lineage that maybe you'll see crawl its way into this months playtest packet...

In terms of other updates, we've begun the lengthy process of communication with our supplier to get our wonderful physical rewards complete! We're looking at getting prototypes and samples sometime early next year and of course we'll have some wonderful teasers for you when we do!

I will be back in two weeks on the 30th of September for the next update which will primarily include any final info on the surveys, the playtest survey for Playtest 01, and of course: Playtest 02!

Have a wonderful couple of weeks, and if you need anything always feel free to reach out here or in the discord!

- Aston




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The Dragons Vault
17 days ago

Project Update: Post-Campaign Survey!

Hail and well met Wanderers,

Huzzah and rejoice, for the post-campaign surveys are now on their way to you! Keep a keen eye on your inboxes this week, and please be sure to fill them in as soon as possible.

I will also remind you that the deadline is September 30th.

So do not dally, we cannot guarantee safe and secure fulfilment of your rewards if you don’t complete the surveys in time.

Missing Rewards

If you notice certain rewards arent showing on the survey, namely stretch goal rewards or timed rewards (such as the free metal d20), theres no need to worry. We add those into the surveys later on.

Missed the Campaign?

Are you reading this update in horror and confusion, seeing the wonderful world of Faerie and wanting to get your hands on it? Not to worry! Here! You can find our preorder store, where you will be able to jump in and pick up any particular items you had your eye on!

Thats all from us tonight, we'll be back on soon with another update but in the mean time feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns about the survey!


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The Dragons Vault
19 days ago

Project Update: Playtest 01 | Circle of Blight & Witch Knight

Hail and well met Wanderers,

I arrive with the much anticipated premiere playtest document! But first some quick housekeeping, you will all be receiving your post-campaign surveys over the next few days. We will give a more thorough update on that this week once the smoke test has gone out successfully, but I wanted to mention it today and remind everyone to please fill them out as soon as you get them to ensure no delays or issues with your pledges and later fulfilment.

Faerie Playtest 01: Circle of Blight & Witch Knight

You will find the full playtest document in the backer only content section below. It contains two full subclasses: The Circle of Blight subclass for Druid, and the Witch Knight subclass for the Fighter. Look through them, play them if you can, and then fill in the survey when it is released in about a month.

There is also a selection of new spells to try out, but I will note that these are very deliberately experimental. They explore some new mechanics and formatting, and we are presenting them as a way of testing what is worth exploring and what is better left on the cutting room floor before we release the full Witch class and list in an upcoming playtest.

Hope you have fun with them! And a reminder that if you’d like to discuss the content in this playtest, or anything else about Faerie, you can join our community over on Discord.

Have a great week, Aston will be back soon with a more structured reminder about the post campaign surveys soon!

- Conor

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
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Where do I find the place i fill in the shipping information

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