4 months ago

Project Update: Playtest 02 | Pact of the Coven & Way of the Wild Hunt

Hail Adventurers!

We're a tad late this week due to some internal technical issues, but we arrive with two new flavours of hero for your journey into the realm of Faerie! And also one final update on the Post Campaign Surveys!

Last Chance to fill in your Survey!

Firstly, thank you so much to those of you that managed to fill in your surveys in a timely manner, fufilling a crowdfunding campaign of this size can only be made possible by organisation and the meeting of deadlines (both internally for myself and Conor, and for you the backers!). As it stands right now 295 of you have yet to complete the survey, since we were unable to get the final reminder out on Monday we're going to extend the deadline slightly: If you have not completed the survey by end of day on Wednesday the 2nd of October we cannot guarantee delivery of your physical goods. Accomodations may be made for certain situations but you must get in touch with us ASAP at [email protected]! 

For those that have completed the survey: we can make minor tweaks to address' and other delivery details up until we lock those in (pre warning for that in a future update) so again, just drop us an email!

Monk and Warlock playtest!

This months playtest packet contains two more subclasses: The Way of the Wild Hunt monk subclass, a companion based subclass built around fighting alongside a Hound of the Hunt after you have joined their infamous ranks. The Warlock Pact of the Coven subclass represents power by committee, a pact sworn to a collective of fickle spellcasters rather than a powerful indiviudal. Their powers will fluctuate based on the whims of the multiple indivudals that hold equal sway over your pact.

Grab Playtest 02 in the Backer only section below, or check it out in our Discord!

Playtest 01 feedback survey!

We have made the decision going forward to move the feedback surveys to the monthly updates that do not contain a playtest drop, extending the feedback cycle to six weeks rather than four, this means that the feedback for the last playtest packet will drop on the 14th of October!

Finally just another note about our Discord, it is a place for you to join conversations about our content, chat with myself and Conor, and even potentially get a say on what makes it into the next playtest packet! join us over in the discord with this link!

Thats everything from me for this week, I hope the beginning of the spooky season is treating you all well and I'll be back again on the 14th!

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
user avatar image for Aston




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