3 months ago

Project Update: Important Update! Communication, Last chance at Duke Tier & Playtest 01 Feedback!

Hail Wanderers!

First of all I wanted to thank everyone who completed their Pledge Manager surveys in time, hitting these deadlines is vital for us to maintain a good tempo with distribution and the like when we get closer to crunch time. 


Next I want to touch on the topic of communication and updates. After we locked orders we had quite a few emails asking questions and making comments unaware of information or news that we had previously made available in prior updates well ahead of orders locking. In light of that I just want to reiterate that it’s very important you check out these updates every couple of weeks. It gives you plenty of time to ask questions if you’re unsure, and us plenty of time to respond or resolve any issues that may arise. We’ve got a bit of flexibility in these early stages when it comes to deadlines, but when we move into the more final stages of production and fulfilment it will be even more vital that you are aware of what’s going on and what we need from you.

Failure to do so could seriously delay, or in some cases risk not receiving, your end product. 

Going forward we will also be making greater use of our Discord to disseminate any particularly important information as well as these bi-weekly updates so if that is more your deal feel free to join us there! 

A Final Chance to Grab Duke Tier!

After we locked orders we still have a single Duke tier for which we have not received pledge payment or shipping info, so since we had a lot of interest we decided to open up the last slot back to you guys! 

If you are interested in getting yourself involved in monster creation for a beast to roam the lands of Faerie then this is your chance! Alongside working on the actual monster for the book you will get the original hand painted piece of art that will be a part of the final book! 

Want to get your hands on the final pack? Drop me an email ([email protected]), it is first come first serve. So once the first person emails me after this update goes live, we will work on getting the back end changed over but there are a couple of things to note:

  • Due to the nature of this upgrade we will need to charge your card immediately rather than waiting for distribution date like the other addons/shipping so please make sure you have the funds available when you email me!
  • You will only be charged the difference between anything you have currently paid and the £500 pledge price for Duke.
  • Shipping for the Duke tier is included in the price, so if you are one of our ROW backers do not consider yourself out of the running due to higher shipping fees!

May the odds be in your favour, I will await your emails!

Playtest 01 | Feedback Survey

Thank you to everyone that filled in the survey on the Preview PDF content, it was really enjoyable to read through and enlightening to see the different opinions and takes on everything presented. I’m happy to say that overall feedback was very positive! It appears the vast majority of those that responded to the survey were satisfied with the game design and content that was presented in the Preview PDF. There really didn’t seem to be any features in the Hagborn lineage, Fetch Rogue subclass, or Witch class that stood out as divisive or needing any significant changes.
   We will do another internal review before publishing but it’s been incredibly helpful getting so much feedback, and very heart warming to see so many of you enjoying the hard work that was put into those elements. If you have any questions about the content in the Preview PDF, or want to join the ongoing discussion about the stuff we release, join our community on Discord!

Onto the next survey! Hereyou will find our feedback survey for our first official playtest packet with a full class breakdown on the Fighter and Monk subclasses, as well as the new spells introduced! It does also include a feedback section for the Witch Spell List provided in the pdf but please do be aware that it was very much intended as a work in progress list to get the class up and playable for people interested in playing the Witch itself!

Phew, that's everything from me this week! Thank you so much for sticking with me till the end!
I'll be back in a couple of weeks on the 28th with your next playtest packet and the release of the Guide to Wyldsea & Tempest: A Seafarer’s Sourcebook Errata!

Have a wonderful couple of weeks,




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