The Dragons Vault
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Choose thy Adventure - 07. Nanny Rutt’s Keep

Hail & well met Wanderers,

As we approach fast the culmination of this tale, thou can now expect a new chapter every day! That is until our end is reached, and Willow is victorious, or the weave of her tale is cut tragically short…

But for now the fates once more convene, and taking thy choice in hand have willed destiny upon Willow and her quest:

“You choose to give the payment of old, and promise the great crow sister the offer of your next boon, whatever it shall be; In return gaining her assistance in reaching the final stage of your quest. The Morrígna agrees, and bows her head low for you to take seat upon her back. Spreading her onyx wings you feel the rush of wind sweep over you as she takes flight with but a single stroke. Your wonder, however, is fast replaced with panic as she stoops into a dive, the canopy rushing toward you both as inertia plays havoc with your stomach. Though it is short lived, she levels out with a chuckle and you hear her voice once more in your mind:

“I apologise little witch, so rarely does one like myself get chance to share the skies with anyone these days”

You soar through the clouds, taking in the beauty of this strange realm, for what seems like an age. Laying your head down, you are even able to drift into slumber for the remainder of the journey. 

Hours pass, and blinking open your eyes you see the early light of dawn gathering on the horizon. But dread soon rears its head once more, as the forest beneath you begins to show signs of decay. A sickly orange glow emanates from beneath the leaves and within the root and stem, it seems the Morrigna’s words were no mere folly; Blight has taken grip of these lands. It is then that you see it, cresting upon the horizon ahead atop a barrow that emerges cautiously from the canopy into eyeline, an old crumbled keep.

Before you can get too close the Morrígna flies low to ground, setting you down near the destroyed shell of an old well. The secret passage way marked on the map you found is accessible from here, and then only a short trek stands between you and the keep.

“The crone will still be sleeping in these dawn hours, thou wilst have time to make thyself ready. Once thou hast chosen thy battlefield, speak aloud the name “Nanny Rutt”, and she won’t be able to resist appearing. She is powerful, but if the fight is on thine own terms thou mayest stand a chance.”

You thank the Morrígna, before watching her take flight once more, leaving you in these accursed woods. Her feather rests in your hat, and though alone you feel no fear grip your heart, only determination. Scaling down the well carefully, you step into a damp crumbled tunnel thick with moss, lit by the uneasy orange glow of blighted roots. Looking to the map, you see a few options for egress, and having arrived early you will even have time to investigate an area before electing where to face the hag. But which section of the keep draws your eye most?”
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