The Dragons Vault
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Choose thy Adventure - 08. The Alchemist’s Garden

Hail & well met Wanderers,

The witching hour draweth near, and the fate of Willow and the Hag shall soon be decided! Once more you must choose her actions, though this time it shall be decided by discourse rather than vote….

“You walk through cramped tunnel and down damp passageway, carefully avoiding the sickly oozing roots that curl around the stonework. Eventually you find yourself beneath the drizzling hatchway of a run-off, and scrambling upward emerge amidst a courtyard of sorts. Perhaps once much was grown here with purpose, food for the keep kitchen, wort for tincture and tonic, but now no purpose remains. Instead a twisted mass of barbed thorn, snapping maw, and poison leaf fills this space. But thou art a witch, and such flora cannot hamper you. You search the area, seeking for anything of use that may remain despite the spreading blight and rotten earth, until you happen upon a tiny patch of herbs that still yet stands. Yarrow, white of flower and potently saturated with abjurative magics. From this you could quickly fashion something to heal, or to ward.

But as you cut the last of the yarrow you feel your bundle grow suddenly lighter, and look to see your collection gone. A voice speaks softly in your mind

“Thy debt unto me is paid little witch, in receipt I wish thou fortune against the coming darkness.” 

Crest fallen, but stalwart still, you allow yourself not a moment to mourn the lost time or effort. Instead you scan the area once more, no plants of inherent use remain, but perhaps there are enough for a minor feat of magic?

You gather a collection of cuttings and sap from the plants here, form a small bundle, and set it alight. As it smoulders, a lazy trail of smoke rises innocuously around you, weaving amidst the words of ritual you speak. The elder magic begins to coalesce into a form, a familiar. But what form should this familiar take?

Regardless of your choice a more pressing question stands, you have time yet still to prepare or to further scout the keep. Though with each passing moment, you risk the awakening of Nanny Rutt.”

Comment below this update what you believe Willow should do with the time she has to prepare, the most liked comment shall determine what she does prior to the arrival of the hag! Be warned, the longer Willow takes in her preparations or investigations, the more likely it is that she will be caught by Nanny Rutt…

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