The Dragons Vault
30 days ago

Project Update: 🎉 Campaign End Stream, Community Discord & More!

Hail and well met Wanderers,

Our battle for Faerie reaches its zenith, and so I arrive for a final time to herald campaign news! To all those who have raised thy house banner alongside us, we salute thee.

Campaign End Stream

Tonight at 1am GMT // 5pm PST thou may joineth Conor live on YouTube as he designs more monsters, answers questions about the book, and announces the final fate of Willow the Witch (more on that below…)

Community Discord

The vault finally opens its doors to those that may wish to wander its depths! Be thee warned, much of the vault is under construction, so thy suggestions will be welcome in which vaults open or close! Thine invite is held below this update ↓

The Beasts of Blightmoor £150K

Our largest stretch goal of the campaign so far has finally fallen! The behemoth was mighty, but was still no match for our numbers. Expect more information on the tale to be told soon, but for now know that this adventure provides the perfect entry into the world of Faerie! Unveiling the lore of Avalon, and pitting thy party against the growing dangers in the wild places…

Willow’s Final Battle!

Thy chosen champion Willow is facing down the dreaded Hag Nanny Rutt RIGHT NOW, thou may head to the battle there and help thy fellow wanderers defeat the challenges needed to ensure her victory once and for all!

And so ends our final report, I shall endeavour to return post-campaign should I not fall valiantly in the final eve of battle! I wish thee good fortune in the battle ahead, may Avalon bless us all.

Sir Gyngalyn
Knight of The Dragons Vault
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
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