23 days ago

Project Update: First playtest survey and a backerkit shipping survey update!

Hail and well met Wanderers,

Just dropping in today to let you know that Backerkit have recommended we move our Post Campaign Survey to early next week to maximise viewership on it so that will not be arriving tomorrow.

Also in the same vein we wanted to make sure as many of you got your eyes on the first major content drop as possible so we'll be moving that to the same update early next week!

But have no fear! We are not leaving you without anything to do this weekend!

Playtest Survey 00: Preview PDF

Hereis the link for the first playtest survey, this will include all of the major content included in the preview pdf found on the main campaign page itself or here.

This will both give you an idea of the sorts of questions we'll be asking about future playtest content and let you have your say on the Hagborn, Fetch, and early Witch levels.

We can't wait to hear about the horribly broken Fetch Rogue/Wizard/Cleric multiclass you've theory crafted that lets you deal a million d6 damage a turn, so please let us know exactly how you feel! (Even if you're perfectly happy we wanna know what we're doing right).

Witch Spell List

A few of you have reached out asking for the full Witch spell list, while alot of the contents of the final list will be custom homebrew spells we have prepared a list of SRD spells for you just to get started on the playtesting! You can grab it here!

Of course there are certain spells we unfortunately can't tell you are on the spell list because of the restrictions on the SRD but if there is a spell that you believe has a certain Witchy flair to it feel free to add it onto the list!

Thats all from me for tonight, have a wonderful weekend and I'll speak to you next week!

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