The Dragons Vault
19 days ago

Project Update: Playtest 01 | Circle of Blight & Witch Knight

Hail and well met Wanderers,

I arrive with the much anticipated premiere playtest document! But first some quick housekeeping, you will all be receiving your post-campaign surveys over the next few days. We will give a more thorough update on that this week once the smoke test has gone out successfully, but I wanted to mention it today and remind everyone to please fill them out as soon as you get them to ensure no delays or issues with your pledges and later fulfilment.

Faerie Playtest 01: Circle of Blight & Witch Knight

You will find the full playtest document in the backer only content section below. It contains two full subclasses: The Circle of Blight subclass for Druid, and the Witch Knight subclass for the Fighter. Look through them, play them if you can, and then fill in the survey when it is released in about a month.

There is also a selection of new spells to try out, but I will note that these are very deliberately experimental. They explore some new mechanics and formatting, and we are presenting them as a way of testing what is worth exploring and what is better left on the cutting room floor before we release the full Witch class and list in an upcoming playtest.

Hope you have fun with them! And a reminder that if you’d like to discuss the content in this playtest, or anything else about Faerie, you can join our community over on Discord.

Have a great week, Aston will be back soon with a more structured reminder about the post campaign surveys soon!

- Conor

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
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