The Dragons Vault
18 days ago

Project Update: Post-Campaign Survey!

Hail and well met Wanderers,

Huzzah and rejoice, for the post-campaign surveys are now on their way to you! Keep a keen eye on your inboxes this week, and please be sure to fill them in as soon as possible.

I will also remind you that the deadline is September 30th.

So do not dally, we cannot guarantee safe and secure fulfilment of your rewards if you don’t complete the surveys in time.

Missing Rewards

If you notice certain rewards arent showing on the survey, namely stretch goal rewards or timed rewards (such as the free metal d20), theres no need to worry. We add those into the surveys later on.

Missed the Campaign?

Are you reading this update in horror and confusion, seeing the wonderful world of Faerie and wanting to get your hands on it? Not to worry! Here! You can find our preorder store, where you will be able to jump in and pick up any particular items you had your eye on!

Thats all from us tonight, we'll be back on soon with another update but in the mean time feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns about the survey!


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