Therena Carlin
14 days ago

Project Update: Star Awakened: In the beginning...the origin story you won't read in the book (+New & unlocked stretch goals)

Greetings Star Travellers,

Every character has an origin story, one which starts long before an author ever pens their first words. So I thought I would share that origin story with you for how Star Found and the characters came to be. 

For decades I have written stories, I was 10 when I wrote my first 'story' in a tiny little journal. It was a military romance of all things as I was obsessed with the show "Tour of Duty" and the main character was the most beautiful man I had ever seen with his striking blue eyes. But I digress, through the years as I grew up I filled more and more journals with stories. In my early twenties I started my first romantasy novel, and in many ways the lore for the Tri-Realms.

But I had always only written for myself. I am an avid reader, and loved escaping into epic fantasy and romantasy books and art. But I never dreamed I could ever write one myself. My writing had always only been for me. Until about 5 years ago, when I mentioned to an editor who edited my photography magazines that I had several journals filled with a story and he challenged me to publish it.

I scoffed at the idea, but then Covid hit, and well, I had time. I figured why not? I could write a quick short story, just to say I did it. My existing epic was too big and intimidating by this time as it filled 14 journals. (I hand write my books). Around this same time, I started running a Dungeons and Dragons campaign for my family and since my kids were too young, I had to make a healer for their party. 

Enter Evie: I loved the backstory I made for her so much that she became the inspiration for the very books you see today. Born as a half-breed between an angel (aasimar) and a demon (tiefling) I asked myself how would these two opposing races even meet. And so, Star Found was born. 
I drew this sketch of her for the D&D campaign, but in my head she introduced to me to a much more fleshed out character. Her stories started filling my dreams, and I soon found myself writing day after day as her story came pouring out. 

And it wasn't long before she grew up and met Cain (because romance is one of my favourite elements in any fantasy book alongside the epic adventures and rich worlds, and romantasy is simply military romance in an epic fantasy setting 😅)

For 3 months I wrote Evie's story and filled 3.5 journals. My first draft was written, but then came the hard part. Transcribing took almost a year, followed by months of beta reading, crying because it was the first time I shared my writing with anyone and feedback felt like personal attacks (I have since gotten over that), editing (with more tears and a lot of learning) and finally creating my first Kickstarter campaign for Star Found. But something happened during that first year of transcribing, what was supposed to be a 'short story' was in fact much bigger than that. Each of those journals contained what translated into 100,000+ word epic novels!

At the same time as I wrote Evie's story, another fire was lit under a long lost dream. I had to pivot from my career as a professional photographer (because letting strangers into my home studio during covid was never going to happen). And I returned to my other first love, and something I had always intended to do but never pursued out off fear: illustration.

I bought a wacom mobile studio pro and started teaching myself digital art again (I had dabbled since 2009, but never really pursued it beyond that). This time with the goal of becoming good enough to have my art on book covers. But, imposter syndrome was real, and crippling. When I finished Star Found, I hired an illustrator to redraw my sketches into covers for me! Because to me, I wasn't good enough.

But something truly amazing happened in 2022 when I launched the Kickstarter for Star Found's debut release. People backed my campaign, and actually believed in my art. I was fueled by the support, and ended up creating 14 interior illustrations in one month! (3 were done before, and I drew 11 during the campaign!) 

Another miracle happened. For the campaign I made the cover for my special edition, because I figured that it wouldn't have to compete at a retail level for how good it was, and that perhaps the fact that the author drew it would mean one or two people might buy it. Turns out, that version was the most popular one. And it was just the confidence boost I needed to believe that I can make my own covers and that I was good enough. 

The campaign exceeded my expectations in so many ways. But the most valuable part was the gift of backers - people like you - believing in me and my art. That faith in me has only grown in the past two years as I started pushing myself to learn and grow as an artist and author. And I vowed to do all my own art for my covers from then on and make the most beautiful books I could, filled with not only the stories, but my art.

Star Awakened has taken two years to be where it is today as the characters has veered from that original script and first draft (Why can't characters just follow the plot you set out for it?). And because of the standard I had set out with beautiful art for the book, I needed more time to illustrate the art for it. But, I knew in my heart that I had to give these characters my all. Not only in the story itself, but the art. And it is finally almost there.

In fact, I went back and 'touched up' some of the illustrations from Star Found as well as added even more new ones to this deluxe edition. 

All of this brings us to this campaign. The culmination of a lifelong dream and four years of work and growth as an artist and author. And I couldn't be more proud of the books I am offering in this campaign.

Star Found was the dream I never dared voice or think possible; Star Awakened is the epic journey I set forth in following my dream no matter how long it takes or how hard it becomes. So thank you for being on this journey with me.
Without the love and support from backers like you, I wouldn't be here. Your belief in me is what sustains me and keeps me putting my art out there for the world to see and enjoy instead of hoarding it all to myself.

One of the things I love about both these books, and those yet to come, is that you will witness my journey as I grow as an artist alongside the growth of my characters as they fulfill their destiny and embrace their true selves. A journey of resilience and perseverance, mirroring my own. So, if you haven't backed the project yet, I want to invite you along for this journey. By supporting it, you are the fuel which powers the dream. You are a part of the journey, a keystone in my story as an artist. And I promise that I will pour my heart and soul into everything that I make so that you will have the best I have to offer. Even if it takes a little longer than I planned.

Which brings me to the stretch goals!

🔒💫✨At $11,000, I will add a special thanks page, where all backers's names will be credited inside Star Awakened. (You will choose how you want to be memorialized in the survey after the campaign).

🔒💫✨ At $10,000 - holographic commemorative sticker for all physical tiers

🔓💫✨$8500 - You guys have unlocked another character art reveal! So go vote in today's poll to see which one I should draw next for you!✨💫

Until tomorrow then. Remember to vote on which art you want me to finish next! And in the comments, I would love to know what journey you have embarked on?

Yours in art,


10 votes • Final results
Join the tribe, unlock a FREE holographic sticker when we hit 100 backers
Goal: 78 / 100 backers
We need 22 more to reach this goal.
Once we hit the goal, everyone gets a FREE Sticker
Goal: 6 / 50
We need 44 more to reach this goal.
Once we hit $8500, I will reveal the next interior illustration!
Goal: $8,500 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
Once we hit $11,000 I will make a special thank you page where all backers will have their names credited (You will choose what you want to use in the pledge manager)
Goal: $11,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
Once we reach $10,000 all physical tier backers will get a holographic commemorative sticker!
Goal: $10,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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