Therena Carlin
8 days ago

Project Update: New art reveal, and a look behind the pen.

Greetings Star Seekers,

I am thrilled to finally reveal the Gabriel & Nisha interior illustration for Star Awakened!

The full colour version will be in the deluxe edition & my online store editions, the black and white will be in retail versions.

I figured that this is the perfect time to talk about my art process as well.
This illustration took me 10.5 hrs, which is a little longer than typical character art which usually range between 6-8 hours. But my own illustrations hover between 9.5 - 13.5 hours. Probably because I'm not afraid of spending extra time on miniscule details only I will ever see. Things like arm hair, scar details or wing feathers. Or just really detailed gothic outfits with lots of little details 😅.

I also take the time to experiment and try new things with my own art, which I can eventually incorporate into commissions. And I usually create NSFW versions for my Patreons.

I love the process of creating art for my books. Sometimes art will inspire scenes & characters (Izanami was such an illustration - I'll share her in a future update), and other times the book inspires the art (like this scene). Regardless which comes first, both often help me get past writers or artist block. 

My illustrations always start with a line art, and then I start shading it as if it was a pencil sketch. Once I finish the greyscale art, I add colour. Though it's only recently where I started creating art with colour in mind. 

I started as a traditional artist with my favourite medium being pencils. And eventually taught myself digital art.

I use Photoshop and a Wacom mobile studio pro, which is very similar to drawing on a sketchbook.

I often get lost when I draw & write, losing all sense of time. And it's one of the few things I can hyperfocus on with my ADHD (other than reading).

My writing is very similar in my approach. I started handwriting my stories in journals (this series was written in journals) before I transcribe them. I love the flow of a pen on paper. The motion awakens a sense of creativity I can't find elsewhere.

I didn't like transcribing as it took way too long. So last year I bought myself a remarkable 2. I can still handwrite, and convert to digital text without retyping everything.

It's sped my process significantly.

Not that it helps me publish faster, mind you. I integrate my art too much into my novels to ever do quick releases. It's why I love crowdfunding. It allows me to bring my art and writing together in a way that wouldn't be possible if I only did retail editions.

It gives me so much satisfaction to create an experience both imaginatively and visually for my readers. To be able to transport them through worlds and offer a glimpse into the visions of my dreams along the way.

And, once the series is finished, I will have enough art to create an artbook of all the illustrations! And create a world artbook.

Creating these special editions bring me an incredible amount of joy. I love holding my finished art in my hands at the end of the day. Having something tangible to appreciate and admire is the ultimate reward after the hundreds of hours invested into these books. And knowing that you all are out there, holding the same book or displaying it on your shelves, is one of the most gratifying feelings as an artist. So thank you for your support and for being here.

At this point I have finished half of the illustrations for Star Awakened, and I only have 4 more to go. (An end paper, 3 interior illustrations, and a family bloodline tree) The editor is well on his way through the manuscript and tip ins are on their way to me!

Tomorrow I will share about another Booktopia campaign which heavily features my art. And I can't wait to show it to you guys!

Until tomorrow, have a wonderful day!

Yours in art,

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Coming this October: save the date, Haunted Dragons is coming to Backerkit this October!

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Goal: 6 / 50
We need 44 more to reach this goal.
Once we hit $11,000 I will make a special thank you page where all backers will have their names credited (You will choose what you want to use in the pledge manager)
Goal: $11,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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