Zhenya’s Wonder Tales is a set of 6 card games retelling dark, Slavic-inspired fairy stories in 1-2 hours. Play a prince, a werewolf, an orphan, a monster hunter, and more to make difficult choices that drive characters towards uncertain endings.
Going For Broke is a fast-paced sitcom roleplaying game about a collective house scrambling to get enough money together. Choose your roommate, jump into an ill-conceived plot, and try to get that coin. 4-8 players, 45-75 minutes.
Roleplay the Old West in the Post Apocalypse world of Dystopian Dawn! This 100+ page book includes a ton of new Adventures, Creatures, Magic, Gear, and NPCs.
A new edition of The Expanse Roleplaying Game with expanded rules that focuses on the 30-year span between the novels Babylon’s Ashes and Persepolis Rising. The campaign also includes 3 supplements, dice, accessories, and for the first time, miniatures!
DEADLINE is a news-chronicling and map-making TTRPG where players take on the role of a journalist for the largest news publishing house in the city. Presented in a newspaper format, this game brings a new approach to storytelling and world-building.
Get lost in the distant realm of Faerie, a brutal 5e campaign setting of blood, iron and fey, inspired by the original British Faerie Folklore and medieval myth!
Eliminate the slog in your 5e combat, speed up play and maximize interesting, tactical choices for players and DMs.
Scions of the Dark Goddess is a modern era campaign for Call of Cthulhu 7E (seal of Chaosium). Uncover a conspiracy that adapts the cycle of the Black Goat with a Thousand Young Mythos with hot topics like bioengineering, social media and more!
Warrenguard is a tabletop roleplaying game by Natalie Pudim, From the mechanics up, it is a game about the fantasy of being a dragonrider, and the reality of how found families form in adversity and carve out comfort in a dangerous life.
Punk is Dead is a TTRPG set in the Un-united Kingdom where the world is going to sh*t in a sack cart, and music is all you've got left. Just like those four brave bozos on the Titanic, you're gonna keep playing until your last amp falls into the abyss.
Beware of flying cows & the unstoppable Black Knight, this is the officially licensed quest for the Holy Grail!
Stories of the Free Lands is the first expansion for Coyote & Crow the Roleplaying Game. Stories from ten Indigenous authors and ten artists fully compatible with the RPG. You'll also be able to get our new dice game, Naasii, and our Story Guide Screen!