Sword & Sorcery magazine featuring short fiction, non-fiction, and gorgeous art. Made with love for the classics, and an inclusive, boundary-pushing approach to storytelling! Luxurious hardcover, classic softcover, and accessible digital formats.
Stay Frosty is an OSR game of future marines versus whatever the universe can throw at them. Play games in the style of your favourite military sci-fi movies and video games.
A hardcover toolkit for building your own bounty hunting campaign in the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG.
A sad gay vampire RPG from SoulMuppet Publishing about depression, partying and falling in love.
Two novellas, bound in one book. Mongol-inspired Sword & Sorcery. A claustrophobic, pressure-cooker siege, and a caravan striking out under an open desert sky. Orhan the Snow Leopard and Goatskin the nomad. Dariel Quiogue and Bryn Hammond.
An enormous retail adventure generator for inclusion in sandbox campaigns within the city of Troika. Get a job! Meet the locals! Don't die!
The Parthenogenesis of Hungry Hollow is a sandbox investigation for Liminal Horror.
A fantasy TTRPG inspired by Berserk, A Song of Ice and Fire, and Dragon Age - Step onto the battlefield and defy a merciless destiny alongside your close-knit band of mercenaries.
Create a one-shot adventure or a full campaign for MÖRK BORG and other OSR games with a few dice rolls. Fill the dying lands with NPCs, enemies, and loot.