Latest from the Creator
Jason Ward (Accidental Cyclops Games)
about 1 month ago
Final Update before we go to print!
Hey folks, sorry for the delay in sending this update. It has been a jam-packed few weeks! I'll be quick.  First, every single bit of writing is complete for both books! The c...
Jason Ward (Accidental Cyclops Games)
3 months ago
New content update, fun projects to back, and Angel Dust digital ready for download!
Hey folks! Just a quick update... First, you will all (who ordered Angel Dust) receive your v0.9 version of the Angel Dust book shortly! Keep an eye out for a BackerKit email ...
Jason Ward (Accidental Cyclops Games)
3 months ago
Shirts and Stickers!
Hey folks! Quick note here... While we've been a bit delayed on the writing/editing, we do have some stuff coming in hot! Here are sneak peeks at the shirts and stickers. The S...
Jason Ward (Accidental Cyclops Games)
4 months ago
Still very close... a bit slower than we hoped
Hi folks, This will be a quick update. Unfortunately, we haven't hit the mark on getting Angel Dust fully proofed nor the initial editing done for King for a Day. It has been a...
Jason Ward (Accidental Cyclops Games)
5 months ago
Angel Dust Done-ish, KFAD Getting Close!
Hey folks, just a quick update! Angel Dust The short version is, Angel Dust is essentially done! Quick caveat... I'm waiting on a couple of images to finish off the book, but o...
Jason Ward (Accidental Cyclops Games)
6 months ago
Writing Almost Done, Production Starting Soon, and Join Us for a Live Play!
Hey folks, thanks for taking the time to read the monthly update! We've got a ton to cover, so stick with me.  Writing, Production, and Fulfillment First, Angel Dust is done......
Jason Ward (Accidental Cyclops Games)
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Final Update before we go to print!

Hey folks, sorry for the delay in sending this update. It has been a jam-packed few weeks!

I'll be quick. 

First, every single bit of writing is complete for both books! The content is great, and we are very excited about the main Angel Dust and KFAD stories as well as Woodpecker from Mars and Zombie Eaters. You're going to love them!

Second, the editing is nearly complete. I (Jason W.) have finished editing all of the main book content last month. I am almost done with Woodpecker from Mars. Zombie Eaters will be done by the end of next week. All in all, the editing has been slower than I would have liked. A good bit of the slowness has the struggle to shorten everything. I've had to train my brain to say things in more concise ways, which has been difficult. Both Jason P. and I tend to be long-winded, and that has been working against us in these last two books. All that said, we're getting close!

Layout is set to commence in two weeks and will be done in September. As you all saw with the (nearly) complete PDF of Angel Dust, we're producing a quality product that sticks to the design and format of The Real Thing book one. The Real Thing came in at 128 pages. Angel Dust us at 136. My hope is to get King for a Day down to 128 or 136... but right now it is closer to 150. That's not ideal. Cross your fingers for me!

So, it looks like we're going to print in October. This is well behind our initial estimates. My hope is that you will all forgive me once you have the books in your hands. They are going to be epic!


Jason, Jason, and some other helpful folks




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Jason Ward (Accidental Cyclops Games)
3 months ago

Project Update: New content update, fun projects to back, and Angel Dust digital ready for download!

Hey folks!

Just a quick update...

First, you will all (who ordered Angel Dust) receive your v0.9 version of the Angel Dust book shortly!

Keep an eye out for a BackerKit email letting you download the file. Please do not share it outside of this group, as it is not 100% final (not until it goes to print). We would love your feedback and commentary. Feel free to send it to [email protected]. 

Second, we have the drafts for the two additional stories (not Angel Dust or King for a Day) completed, and they are in the editing phases! 

That's great news because it means we are a mere 40 pages of content editing and rewrites away from having AD and KFAD ready for print! 

The first of these stories is Woodpecker from Mars, written by our own Jason Peercy. It is a sci-fi one-shot that leverages the Real Thing engine to tell a bit of a space horror story. It's about as metal as the song from which it takes its name! There will also be an additional 4 - 6 pieces of custom art created for this story.

The second piece is Zombie Eaters, written by our friend Sean Jaffe of Nerdy City Games. It is a glorious 90s romp that features flavors and functionaries of the late 80s and early 90s music scene in San Francisco. It also blends the world of The Real Thing with Nerdy City's world of the Holomatixx. Holomatixx is the newest installment of Nerdy City's universe-spanning series of games based on 1980s toys and cartoons such as Transformers (Commandroids) and Gem and the Holograms (Holomatixx). This story has been drafted and will be completed very soon. It will also feature all-new artwork!

Third... You can still back Holomatixx! 

There are 3 days left at the time I am writing this. Help Nerdy City (Sean and Megan) finish super strong! We are fans and backers, so we have at least one leg to stand on when we ask you to be as well.  If you are feeling extra supportive, you can back their whole line of games in softcover (5 titles + other goodies) for just $100! It would be truly, truly, truly outrageous if you did!

Lastly, you can still support our latest project, Surviving Strangehollow!

For fans of fantasy stories, art, and RPGs, this project is amazing! We assembled a team of true luminaries for the fiction and game design, including Ed Greenwood, Erin Roberts, Bryan CP Steele, and Shawn Merwin, among others. You really can't go wrong. Go pre-order it now!

Thanks all,

Jason, Jason, and the rest of Accidental Cyclops




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Jason Ward (Accidental Cyclops Games)
3 months ago

Project Update: Shirts and Stickers!

Hey folks! Quick note here...

While we've been a bit delayed on the writing/editing, we do have some stuff coming in hot! Here are sneak peeks at the shirts and stickers. The Shirts are printed and ready to ship. The stickers are off to the printer and will be at my house in a week!

And for one last treat, here's the inside of the Father's Day card my 14-year-old daughter made for me. She did it in pastel marker. Pretty impressive (but I'm biased)!

Thanks all! We'll be back in touch soon.
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Jason Ward (Accidental Cyclops Games)
4 months ago

Project Update: Still very close... a bit slower than we hoped

Hi folks,

This will be a quick update. Unfortunately, we haven't hit the mark on getting Angel Dust fully proofed nor the initial editing done for King for a Day. It has been a lot more work than I hoped, so I am way behind. Here's where things stand.

Angel Dust

The laid-out, full-art version is in the hands of two proofreaders. It is very close! In the next two weeks, I think I will have the digital version in your hands!

King for a Day

The base text of the rules/systems and story are all written. I am deep into editing the material now. The artwork is nearly finished, with just 5 more pieces to get approved. That said, we have two more scenarios that are going into the book – Woodpecker from Mars and Zombie Eaters. Woodpecker is written, and it is in my queue to edit. Zombie Eaters is partially written and will be in my hands by June 15th at the latest so that it can enter the editing queue. We also need 4 art pieces for each, which have not yet been commissioned (but will be next week).

All that means that we are still about 2 months away from printing, which is now going to be 4 - 5 months behind. That's garbage, and I feel really bad. It was just an overly rosy prognostication on my part when we launched the project. Reality kicked us in the balls and made me realize how bad I am at predicting the art and writing workloads.

Thank you all for sticking by us even though we're behind. The stuff is coming, and it is going to be awesome!

Just to keep your juices flowing, here's some more art!

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Jason Ward (Accidental Cyclops Games)
5 months ago

Project Update: Angel Dust Done-ish, KFAD Getting Close!

Hey folks, just a quick update!

Angel Dust

The short version is, Angel Dust is essentially done! Quick caveat... I'm waiting on a couple of images to finish off the book, but otherwise, it's ready to go! I'll have those images soon, and once I slot them in and we have one more proofread of the book, we'll get the digital version out to backers. Woohoo! It's clocking in at 8 pages longer than I had hoped, but there was nothing more we could cut. 136 pages it is.

The final page of Angel Dust

King for a Day

All of the KFAD writing is done. Peercy finished up the adventure arc (which is 50 pages without art!), and I've got the rules pretty well nailed down. Peercy is now working on the Woodpecker from Mars mini-campaign, and as a special treat, we've hired Sean Jaffe (Nerdy City Games) to write a directly Faith No More connected story to put in the book. Yeah, that's right... Sean is going to be putting together a killer story that features the San Francisco music scene in the late 80's. With those two additional stories, the book should clock in at about the same size as the first two, 120 - 136 pages. We'll also be putting the appendices for Stuff (gear and equipment) and Challenges (enemies and such) at the end of KFAD. 

My sense is that by the time we get the final art and I have finished editing and laying out KFAD, we'll be at the end of May. We'll be going to print in June, and delivering in the summer. That puts us about 2 - 3 months behind our initial schedule. That's nobody's fault but mine. I am sorry. I'll do better next time!

Drop us a line if you have questions or comments.

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