I've finished adding the "Export to Isometric" feature that I promised. Here's how that turned out.
Start my making a regular top-down map, like this.
Then, in MapForge's Export panel, enable the new "Export to ISO" checkbox, and export the map.
You'll end up with something like this.
That might be "good enough" to actually use in a game, but if you wanted to take it a step further, you could import that image right back into MapForge (using the Background Image feature) and start placing actual isometric assets to represent the vertical elements (e.g. building walls, street lights, rooftop signs). A little minor retouching in Photoshop/Gimp to erase the 2D streetlights from the streets & sidewalks, and you should have a pretty impressive 3D-looking map.
This "Export to ISO" feature should give new life to top-down mapping content, by allowing you to repurpose it for ISO mapping.
I've also finished creating all 14 Add-Ons in the Dystopian Utopia Collection. I think they turned out great.
Even better, you might recall that on the campaign page I had estimated that there would be around 4600 assets in this collection. Well, with all the color mods I added plus some custom pre-builds I provided made from modular components, the final tally is actually 6028 assets! Over 30 percent extra content than what was promised. Not bad, eh?
All that remains to be done is creating/compiling the final MapForge v1.3.9 build, and getting it hosted on the server. I should be able to get that done tomorrow.
So I'll probably start delivering the rewards on Wednesday, March 5th. Woohoo!
Once that's taken care of, I need to figure out what my next crowdfunding campaign is gonna be and get rolling on that (the money from this campaign is all but gone already, yikes!). Let me know what you'd like to see me work on next.