Sorry, folks. I really thought I was going to be able to send out all the rewards this week, but I've been blindsided by a requirement that I didn't know about, because I'm still learning the ropes on BackerKit.
You see, BackerKit requires project creators to send out a post-campaign Survey, where backers lock-in the things they pledged for, and are given the opportunity to pledge for additional items/rewards.
What I didn't know is that before the survey can go out, there's an approval process on their part, where they need to check that everything is correctly configured, so that creators don't inadvertently screw up the Survey (which I think can only go out once). I've gone ahead and asked them to do the review.
Even after the Survey is approved, I need to run something called a Smoke Test, which is described above, before every backer gets the Survey. So, in summary, the rewards will be going out next week, not this week, as I'd planned. My apologies for this slight delay.
On the plus side, I've already configured the MapForge server with the items you've each pledged for, so if you open the Add-On Registration panel in MapForge and use the "Claim from server" button, you should be able to get the Add-Ons you pledged for all registered at once. This means that when you get the Add-On download links next week, they'll be all ready for use.
Those of you who pledged for a MapForge license during this campaign should have already received an email explaining how to claim it. If you didn't, please let me know.