Bill Harvat
22 days ago

Project Update: Only One Week Left! Let's Party!

First Things First! Here's the Mockup for the Vol. 2 Hardback
(This isn't final, and no the purple and green lines will not be there. These are just guides.)

Not final. But getting there!

Next. We should Celebrate!

Along with the at-cost prints you will receive with your pledges. You will have the opportunity to get at-cost prints of these pieces of artwork as an added bonus since we have hit our goals. (Also those of you who got the early bird get an extra one.) So, thank you! And we hope you find nice places on your wall to print these out and get them framed. Because they're pretty awesome.
  • Andrew Beckwith's "Battle by Torchlight" (AKA the Hardcover Cover Art)
  • Uriah Groves' "Winter's Hope" (Pictured Above)
  • Andrew Beckwith's "Barbarian Chop" (Artwork for Backers who also back the Pits Below Cross-Collab)
  • DeWayne Rodgers'  "Border Tower" (Early Bird Art Print)

We're super hyped to get these to you as cool bonuses for backing the project. Also. Towards the end of the campaign we will be sending an email to all backers with an added bonus. So be ready for that!
For now. Just know. This 160 page behemoth is in editing, we're going to hopefully be ready for print by mid-February. And if at all possible I'd love to have these in hand for everyone BEFORE Gary Con.
So. That's the plan. We're on schedule and feeling good. Thank you again so much for backing the project. And have an amazing weekend!

P.S. Also be sure to visit and pick up a new shirt! (Extra stickers with every order!)

Be well,

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