Dinoberry Press
8 months ago

Project Update: Survey smoke test starting now!

Hello, wolves of the realm!

We're starting to roll out the backer surveys, beginning with a "smoke test". A handful of you will receive your surveys within the next couple days; please fill them out as soon as possible so we can make sure everything's working correctly.

Once we verify they're good to go, we'll send out the rest of the surveys.

Additionally, you'll have access to the add-ons shop in case there's anything you missed from the campaign that you'd like to get, and there are some games & goodies from our shop available there, too!

For anyone who missed the campaign, you can find the pre-order store here~

If you have any specific questions, send us an e-mail: hello(at)dinoberrypress.com!

Creature sticker winners:

The sticker poll has finished, and the winners are the Gravefowl, Hullaballoo, and Fenkin! Three very good friends that each physical pledge will get :)

That's all for now, we'll talk to you soon with our next update!
64 votes • Final results




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