Han Cluster is a hopeful sci-fi RPG in which humanity and a few robots have unlocked amazing transhuman powers via the discovery of "the Nex." But with it also comes "the Blinding," an ominous phenomenon that represents a grave threat to human space.
The Han Cluster® RPG is a unique sci-fi roleplaying game designed for the Savage Worlds system. It combines danger, social intrigue, and alien mystery with human connection and optimism. Humanity has discovered a phenomenon called the Nex which has opened up new technology and granted us amazing transhuman powers that redefine the tropes of the traditional role-playing game. But along with the Nex has appeared a mysterious Nex-born "virus" called the Blinding which threatens to destroy all sentient life in human space.
The year is 2653. A long, somewhat tenuous peace between the civilizations of Earth and its distant colony on the planet Edenic has reigned for well over 300 years. New planets have been discovered, remarkable technology developed, and despite immense challenges we’ve managed to overcome some of our greatest socio-political struggles.
We’ve also unlocked a strange phenomenon called the Nex, which gave us all blue glowing auras along with transhuman abilities we never could have dreamed of. Meanwhile, an increasing number of robots have mysteriously “Linked” to the Nex as well, somehow granting them true sapience as they’ve joined us on our journey. But along with all these amazing discoveries has emerged a strange new threat...
The Blinding
About 60 years ago, people started losing their ability to see Nex auras in color. It was slow and gradual, happening over 50 years, but today, almost everyone in human space, including newborns and even Linked robots, see Nex auras as colorless—like the glow of a white ghost. This phenomenon came to be called the Blinding, and no one could explain it. Still a few extremely rare individuals called Vivids were immune to the effect. They could still see the blue auric color of everyone around them. They are the only ones who recognize a change that's come over human space. In the last ten years, there’s been a slow, almost imperceptible shift in the behavior of those who've been Blinded. General tension, intolerance, anger and paranoia are on the rise, and a civilization that had embraced kindness, empathy and peace now seems subtly driven to stoke the fires of irrational conflict. The Vivids seem to be the only ones who can recognize this shift. Something is very wrong, and most everyone else seems unable to see it. The Blinded have not only lost their ability to see auric color, they've become blinded to reality! And its getting worse.
We Need Heroes
You are among the precious Vivids who can still see Nex auras in color. But you also sense that the Blinding is still happening, and it's a much greater threat than people realize. Being able to recognize it is one thing. Having the bravery to do something about it is another. You’ll need to gather allies, unite communities, fight enemies, discover long-hidden secrets, and even confront the most terrifying horrors behind the Blinding itself to prevent everything humanity has accomplished from falling into ruin.
Heroes can emerge from anywhere... Do you have the courage to become one?
NOTE:Han Cluster requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play, and though not required, the Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion is recommended.
A Transcendent Plot Point Campaign
The Transcendence Plot Point Campaign is an epic adventure and the heart of the Han Cluster setting. A Plot Point Campaign is designed with breathing room between its major beats, allowing GMs to intersperse adventures of their own (or the provided Savage Tales), as they wish to make it a more personalized experience.
The campaign follows a group of unlikely Vivid heroes as they see a mysterious vision that reveals the true end-game of the Blinding. The vision forecasts the horrific death of all sentient beings in human space, and the terrifying experience leaves them bonded together with a common purpose. Together the group begins an epic quest leading them to every corner of the Han Cluster, and even to Earth, as they must learn more about the about the mysterious Nex,gather allies, fight enemies, and ultimately gather the components they need to cure this alien "disease" before it destroys everyone they care about.
Along the way the crew must find ways to bring hope and cultivate community connection among the Blinded, as it's the only way to temporarily reverse the effects of the Blinding while they find a permanent cure. It's a race against a ticking clock and everything is on the line!
The full Han Cluster RPG comes with the following components.
The Source Book: At 208 Pages, this hardcover book (printed in the same graphic novel format as the official Savage Worlds books—about 7" by 10.5″) gives both players and GMs everything they need to start playing, including full character creation rules for the humans and "Linked" (sapient) robots of the Han Cluster, innovative Setting Rules for new transhuman abilities like Ghost Detachment, X-Bonding, and X-Gear, a full Adventure Generator and Encounter tables, and an extensive Allies and Enemies chapter.
The Adventure Book: This additional 208 page hardcover book is the true heart of the Han Cluster. The Adventure Book includes an epic, ten-act Plot Point Campaign called Transcendence, which chronicles the heroes' desperate attempt to discover the truth behind the Blinding and cure it before it claims the lives of everyone in human space. The book also includes a special collection of Crisis Tales, high stakes adventures designed to be run in tandem with the PPC, and a full set of Savage Tales to intersperse among the plot points or run independently.
NOTE: ALL cards below are printed on 3.5" x 5" high quality cardstock.
Archetype Cards: Meet some of the heroes of the Han Cluster! Six pre-made, Seasoned adventurers with short backstories are ready to pick up and play.
Campaign Asset Cards: Three campaign asset cards are provided to track the heroes' ownership of certain components necessary for curing the Blinding in the Plot Point Campaign.
Ally Cards: An additional set of 12 remarkable allies the heroes meet on their adventures through the Plot Point Campaign. Ranging from Novice to Heroic, these characters are fully statted and ready for play in Crisis Tale adventures and beyond.
Shift Intensity Cards: Seven special Shift Intensity cards are provided for the GM to easily communicate the local progression of the Blinding to their players.
Double-Sided Fold-Out Poster Map: These two 30" x 24" battle maps are printed with one-inch grid on heavy stock, and are dry and wet erase capable. They include scenes straight out of the Plot Point Campaign, but can be useful in other sci-fi contexts as well. The Tropix Atrium on the planet Shaest is a beautiful map of a ballroom and dance floor under attack. And the mysterious "Core" map is the scene of the campaign's climax.
Poster Map of the Han Cluster: A spectacular fold-out 30" x 24"map of the Han Cluster itself allows the heroes to plot out their travels and keep track of their physical bodies (Sleepers) and their X-Ghosts.
Player (Digital) Includes: Han Cluster Sourcebook (PDF), Archetypes (PDF).
Player (Print+Digital) Includes: Han Cluster Sourcebook (Print+PDF), Archetypes (Print+PDF).
NOTE: Shipping is NOT INCLUDED in the printed pledge levels and will be collected at the time of shipment. See Printing and Fulfillment below for more info.
All In! (Digital) Includes: Han Cluster Sourcebook (PDF), Han Cluster Adventure Book (PDF), Archetype Cards (PDF), Ally Cards (PDF), Shift Intensity Cards (PDF), Campaign Asset Cards (PDF), Tropix Ball Battle Map (PDF), The Core Battle Map (PDF), Han Cluster Poster Map (PDF), Figure Flats (PDF).
GM (Print+Digital) Includes: Han Cluster Sourcebook (Print+PDF), Han Cluster Adventure Book (Print+PDF), Archetype Cards (Print+PDF), Ally Cards (Print+PDF), Shift Intensity Cards (Print+PDF), Campaign Asset Cards (Print+PDF), Figure Flats (PDF Only).
NOTE: Shipping is NOT INCLUDED in the printed pledge levels and will be collected at the time of shipment. See Printing and Fulfillment below for more info.
All In! (Print+Digital) Includes: Han Cluster Sourcebook (Print+PDF), Han Cluster Adventure Book (Print+PDF), Archetype Cards (Print+PDF), Ally Cards (Print+PDF), Shift Intensity Cards (Print+PDF), Campaign Asset Cards (Print+PDF), 1x Double Sided "Tropix Ball" & "The Core" Battle Map (Print+PDF), 1x Han Cluster Area Map (Print+PDF), Figure Flats (PDF Only).
NOTE: Shipping is NOT INCLUDED in the printed pledge levels and will be collected at the time of shipment. See Printing and Fulfillment below for more info.
We have lots of plans for stretch goals! Here are the first couple. you can also keep track of them in the Community section! NEW ARCHETYPE (Draxel Tapper): The draxel communication network (or the DCN) is a remarkable invention that finally provided instant FTL communication to everyone after over a hundred years of interstellar travel without it. The system is otherwise unhackable, but draxel tappers are adepts who seem able to do the impossible. They can can tap the network to spy or locate other people through their draxels, make others' draxels explode with Nex energy, and more! If unlocked, the draxel tapper digital PDF will be added to ALL pledge tiers, and the printed card will be added to ALL Print tiers! It will also be included in the "Archetype Cards" add-on.
NEW ARCHETYPE (Nex Hacker): The Nex Hacker is not just a regular hacker, but is also adept at hacking into Nex based technology. Though hacking into the DCN is the purview of only draxel tappers, the Nex Hacker can hack into Nex confinement fields, banish fields, draxel suppression tech, and other devices that use Nex technology just as easily as he can hack into traditional systems. He also happens to be an accomplished X-tuner, able to tune otherwise expensive X-gear to draxels for free, eliminating the middle man. If unlocked, the Nex hacker digital PDF will be added to ALL pledge tiers, and the printed card will be added to ALL Print tiers! It will also be included in the "Archetype Cards" add-on. NEW ARCHETYPE (Edenic Cadet): Our last archetype stretch goal. The Edenic Cadet has aspirations to become an elite Edenic Security officer. She's highly trained and combat ready, but she's young and still has much to learn. Her mentor (a gruff veteran on Edenic, expressed through her Connections Edge) insists that she must go out and see the Cluster, experience what it's like on other planets and learn empathy for those who don't have it quite as good as they have it on Edenic. She's eager, and excited to expand her horizons, while also being incredibly useful when you need someone to have your back! If unlocked, the Edenic Cadet digital PDF will be added to ALL pledge tiers, and the printed card will be added to ALL Print tiers! It will also be included in the "Archetype Cards" add-on. Adversary Cards Pack #1 (PDF): Think there aren't adversaries and bad guys in the Han Cluster? Think again! This is the first of two batches of DIGITAL ONLY adversary cards we hope to unlock. These include some of the major players of the setting as well as some of the agents of the Blinding itself. We find adversary cards invaluable to be able to print and have at the table in a small, easily accessible format. If unlocked, the Adversary Card Pack #1 digital PDF will be added to ALL pledge tiers. Adversary Cards Pack #2 (PDF): This rounds out the DIGITAL ONLY adversary cards, and includes gangers from Tract and Venin, the soldiers of the Human Reunification Initiative terrorist group, robots from Inspirus and the Ridley Consortium, and more! If unlocked, the Adversary Card Pack #2 digital PDF will be added to ALL pledge tiers. Vehicle Cards Pack #1 (PDF): The Han Cluster involves travel— travel in interstellar space, travel on land, and even travel in the "water" (you'll see when you get there...)! These 16 DIGITAL ONLY Vehicle cards (the first of two sets) include some of the important starships and other vehicles the heroes might interact with in the setting, including the legendary trade ship Rasitor, the Silver Guardian that watches over Shok, and a certain Luxury Yacht the heroes could pick up for a song at the Tropix Ball Auction! We find printable cards like this super convenient at the table, and we hope you will too! If unlocked, the Vehicle Cards Pack #1 digital PDF will be added to ALL pledge tiers. Vehicle Cards Pack #2 (PDF): This is the second set of DIGITAL ONLY Vehicle cards, including more starships, the all terrain Vencat, the hovertruck and the crystal pursuit boat! You just never know when you may need them! If unlocked, the Vehicle Cards Pack #2 digital PDF will be added to ALL pledge tiers. Ribbon Bookmarks: At this level we're excited to be able to add ribbon bookmarks to both the Han Cluster Sourcebook and Adventure Book! This is an awesome quality of life bonus that lets you keep track of certain pages with tables or sections of the book you reference often. Colors are planned in the blue range; photo is only representative and not final colors. If unlocked, the ribbons will be added to any physical books at ALL "Print" pledge levels!
You can try the Han Cluster right now! The jumpstart is available on DriveThruRPG, featuring everything you need to play, along with an amazing cluster-hopping adventure called "Reunification." It's designed to introduce you to the most iconic aspect of the setting, including X-Ghosts, X-Bonding, Ghost Traveling and more, all while on a high stakes mission to save millions of lives! Get it now for free! You can also watch an actual play of the jumpstart on the Adventures in Lollygagging YouTube channel. See more in the Life In the Han Cluster section below!
Life in the Han Cluster
The first Linked robot in human space, Hailey Preston, is a major NPC in the setting, and becomes an ally to the heroes in the Transcendence Plot Point Campaign. She has put together a series of four short videos that introduce you to the most iconic aspects of the Han Cluster RPG, including the basics of X-Ghosts, X-Bonding, the Draxel Communication System, and the tricky aspects of Wounds and Healing. Check them all out below, or visit our YouTube channel for the playlist!
Life in the Han Cluster Part 1: X-Ghosts
Life in the Han Cluster Part 2: X-Bonding
Life In the Han Cluster Part 3: Draxels
Life in the Han Cluster Part 4: Wounds and Healing
The Adventures in Lollygagging crew were good enough to do a short actual play campaign of the Han Cluster, starting with the jumpstart, and continuing for a couple sessions afterward. It's a great crew, and a great game that shows off the unique mechanics of X-Ghosts amid a high stakes adventure with millions of lives on the line! If you want to see how Han Cluster runs at the table, check it out! Below is the first session. The full playlist is here!
The Han Cluster® RPG requires the core Savage Worlds rules (available from Pinnacle Entertainment), to play. If you're new to Savage Worlds, check it out atpeginc.com! While you're there, check out the Science Fiction Companion also!
While the Science Fiction Companion is not required to play Han Cluster, it has rules and extras like Clashes, Heavy Metal, Energy Management rules, and specifics about creating your own spaceships and non-Linked robots that can enhance the Han Cluster experience.
Tracy Sizemore: The Han Cluster® RPG was created by Tracy Sizemore of Ede Sol Games. Tracy is a trans creator, an experienced Savage Worlds author, and has worked for Pinnacle Entertainment directly as the developer for Holler: An Appalachian Apocalypse, and Pinebox Middle School. She was also a contributor to Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE), the Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion, the Savage Worlds Horror Companion, and the Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion. Tracy has written several stand-alone adventures for Savage Worlds, including "Disaster at Gran Atomica," "Teen Crush," "The Curious Death of Violet Evans," "The Savior of Hollow Oak," "The Curse of Wilson Quarry," and "Apocalyptic Party Crashers." Tracy has also written extensively for Torg Eternity, including multiple Delphi Mission adventures, and as a co-writer (with Brian Reeves) for the Orrorsh mega-adventure, A Trifling Matter. The Han Cluster and its themes of human connection and optimism in the face of extreme adversity has been in development for ten years. Tracy has worked very hard to create an immersive and unique setting while honoring the Fast, Furious, and Fun philosophy that's made Savage Worlds so approachable.
Outside of her writing and game development work, Tracy is also a trained theater professional and award winning lighting designer, classically trained singer, and composer.
The Artists
Han Cluster was 100% created by human creators. The following amazing artists contributed their talents to the project:
Bad Moon Studios: Covers
Dimitar Spasov: Archetypes, Characters, and Scenes Jon Taylor: Scenes Davide Corsi: Archetypes, Characters, and Scenes Don Tantiado: Characters Unique Soparie: Characters / Colors James Denton: Characters, and Scenes Ross Grams: Scenes Bien Flores: Characters Carly Sorge: Characters Peter Johnson: Scenes Jason Juta: Maps Dot Moore: Characters Alida Saxon: Maps, Art Direction Aaron Acevedo: Han Cluster Logo, Art Direction Ben Acevedo: Art Direction Tracy Sizemore: Han Cluster Map, Art Direction
Both books and most cards and assets are 100% complete. We will need to wait until we have a final backer list after the campaign closes to send rewards. We will be fulfilling our digital rewards through both BackerKit's digital fulfillment system and DriveThruRPG.
Digital Fulfillment Timeline: The PDFs of the books should go out within four weeks after the campaign ends (enough time for funds to be transferred and the final backer list to be generated). Cards and maps should be released within two weeks after that. Some unlocked digital stretch goals may take extra time to create, but should be delivered within two to three months of the end of the campaign.
Though we are a licensee of Pinnacle Entertainment and the Han Cluster is NOT an official Pinnacle product, we are using the exact same printing partner and the same specs for our books. maps, and oversize cards as Pinnacle uses for their products. This ensures they will look and feel familiar with quality that is comparable and will be the exact same size on the shelf.
Printing Fulfillment Timeline: Offset print runs from China take time, and we'll be sending our final files to the printer after a brief period of backer review once the campaign ends. We expect final print rewards to be shipped to backers approximately 6-8 months after that.
Shipping is NOT included in the print pledge rewards for this project. After the campaign ends a pledge manager will be opened to finalize the physical pledges and we will delay collecting shipping until the product is in our hands and ready to go out to backers. We know shipping can be a painful part of the process. In the current climate, the cost of shipping at the projected time we'll be fulfilling physical rewards is too hard to predict. We will do our best to get you the best shipping rate we can when the time comes.
If you're nervous about shipping, we encourage you to either pledge for one of the digital tiers instead or go in with a group and make a pledge with add-ons for extra books and accessories to have them all shipped to one place.
This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.
Both books for the Han Cluster® RPG are already written, laid out with final trade dress, and are undergoing proof editing now. The game and the Plot Point Campaign have already been extensively play-tested. All cards and maps have already been created and laid out. As of launch, the art is 99% completed. We are releasing the game no matter what. This BackerKit crowdfunding campaign is both to get people excited and aware of the game, to help us recoup the cost of creating it, and to supplement the funds required for the print run to bring it to life physically. There are always risks associated with backing a project, and with printing overseas. Unforeseen delays or complications can always arise.
Though this is Ede Sol Games' first crowdfunding project, Tracy has direct experience with crowdfunding campaigns working under Pinnacle Entertainment—specifically as a collaborator for the Holler and Pinebox Middle School Kickstarter campaigns. Tracy has also run her own business as her primary income for the last 16 years and is experienced with the cashflow requirements of maintaining a sustainable enterprise. We've also surrounded ourselves with experienced advisors to help us through the crowdfunding and printing/production process. It's our responsibility to provide a realistic picture of the risks you take in pledging for the project and to make sure we keep our backers apprised of progress and any hiccups we encounter along the way. With all this in mind, we believe we have both the experience and resources to handle any unforeseen hiccups and deliver your rewards in a timely manner.