Goodman Games
2 months ago

Project Update: New Poll About The Gnoll! & Scott's video about the 5E side

Hello, Caverns of Thracia backers!

New Trivia!

How well do you "know the gnoll"? Our latest trivia question is live at the bottom of this update. This time, it's about vintage D&D monster knowledge. See how you fare!

Team 5E is holding steady to their lead - Team DCC, this is your chance to catch up!

Closing in on Next Stretch Goal: "Ecology of Thracia"!

Seems like it happened in the blink of an eye, but we are about halfway to the next stretch goal. An "Ecology of Thracia" supplement looks like it's right around the corner! Thanks everyone and please keep spreading the word!

Learn More About the 5E Conversion!

Here's a new video from lead 5E designer Scott Moore. If you'd like to learn more about the 5E conversion for Caverns of Thracia - as well as some of the additional adventures - there's a lot in here!

4 pages of content on the ecology of Thracia, just like the classic Dragon magazine articles. Lizardfolk, beastmen, maybe even minotaurs!
Goal: $510,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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