Green Ronin Publishing
4 days ago

Project Update: FUNDED! And First Achievement Unlocked!

Welcome Home Firehawks!

Thanks to all of you amazing backers, we have successfully funded! It's been a wild morning for Team Ronin, starting with our Launch Party at the unbelievable hour of 4am for those of us on the west coast. But thank you so much to those of us who were able to join us!

We've already passed our first Stretch Goal/Achievement, unlocking a free copy of the current Expanse RPG Core Rulebook for all backers pledging at $25 or more! We would like to extend a warm welcome to all the new members of the community joining us for the first time aboard the Expanse RPG. With the existing Rulebook, you'll get settled in, in no time. Grab a bulb of coffee in the galley, and get ready to meet the rest of the crew!

We've had a few questions come up in the comments, so let's try to address them while we're here.

When is the campaign expected to ship?
Delivery Date is summer 2025!

Will we be able to select Miniatures as add-ons? I definitely need more crew minis!
You bet! Miniatures sets have now been added to add-ons!

Will there be a Special Edition faux leather-bound copy of the Core Rulebook?
We hadn't planned to make a special edition of the Transport Union Era rulebook but we're considering running a poll to gauge interest.

Can we get a collected book for all of the Trades of the Expanse material?
That would be the Crew Companion actually! It will not only have the Trades of the Expanse entries, but a whole lot more as well. Including some Trades you haven't seen yet!

Onward to the next goal! Which it sure looks like we'll be unlocking pretty soon!

Backers who pledge at least $25 will receive a free PDF of the 2019 core rulebook shortly after the campaign ends so you can start your first Expanse series right away!
Goal: $75,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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