Green Ronin Publishing
3 months ago

Project Update: Double Sided Map Unlocked!

Another achievement in the books!

A double-sided poster map will now come with the Transport Union Edition Core Rulebooks! We're pretty sure that combat playmat is going to come in really handy with a set of new Spaceship Miniatures!

We're rolling into day 3 this morning and going strong. We have the Inner Worlds: Rockfall PDF adventure coming up next, and the description does seem to imply there might be more in that series on the way. But will we stop by Luna first or are we burning straight for the Red Planet?

We'll also be distributing the Quickstart PDF to our early backers just as soon as we cross a few I's and dot a few T's, and make sure the digital ink is dry. But for folks just joining us; never fear, we've got your copy of the Quickstart reserved for you too.
We will add a second side to the poster map in the core book. This will comprise a spaceship combat guide and playmat, perfect for use with the models from the Ships of the Expanse Miniatures Set.
Goal: $200,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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