Handelabra Games
4 months ago

Project Update: Stretch Goals & Campaign Mode!

The people have spoken, and it's clear that most of you want two things:

Enhanced Campaign Mode & Rook City Renegades!

It's pretty obvious what Rook City Renegades is - a hefty expansion with plenty of heroes, villains, and environments. If we reach that stretch goal, an Add-on will be made available so you can add it to your pledge. The core game of Sentinels 2 will be released first, and then Rook City Renegades in the future after that.

What is Campaign Mode all about, and how would it be enhanced?

In the basic campaign mode, you face villains according to the chronological order of Events and Critical Events. When starting a new campaign, you must choose to play on regular or Advanced. Your collection for the campaign starts empty and is limited to what you collect in that campaign.

The campaign screen will show a series of comic books in a timeline - all but the first in darkness/shadow. The first one will be the first Event (Moonfall, Apr 1968). When you set up each game, the recommended heroes and environment will be pre-selected, but you can choose different ones as well.

After winning a campaign mode game, you will receive a graded cover of the issue for your collection. The collection is available for use in further events in the campaign. At the end of the campaign, you receive a final score based on your performance over all of the Events.

As expansion packs are added in the future, they will automatically add more events, expanding the length of the campaign and encouraging replay. Campaign mode will be used as the mechanism for unlocking Events & Critical Events to use in normal play, along with Hero Variants.

Enhancing the Campaign

We think the above mode will be fun, but we also have many more ideas to expand replayability and variety. If we reach the Enhanced Campaign Mode stretch goal, we will take more time to implement those ideas! These enhancements will be part of the core game and have no additional charge.

  • Non-linear paths - instead of only chronological order, events can come grouped by book/arc, be in a branching path structure, or other configurations.
  • Hero roster changes - Heroes could be restricted based on era/events; there could be cooldowns for using heroes multiple games in a row; incapacitated heroes could become unavailable; or other such concepts.
  • Multiple save slots - have multiple different campaigns on the go at once.
  • Other roguelike elements - power-ups or challenges specific to the digital version.

As of this writing, we're already nearly 1/3 of the way to reaching this goal, and we're only about halfway done with the campaign. Make sure to share the campaign with all the potential heroes in your social circle and we'll make both Enhanced Campaign Mode and Rook City Renegades a reality for Sentinels of the Multiverse 2!

P.S. Stretch goals are a way to guarantee that we'll do a thing. If a stretch goal is not listed here, or is not reached in the end, that doesn't mean we'll never do the thing. It just means it will be a business decision instead of being guaranteed by the goal. So let's think positively about stretch goals!





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