1 day ago

Project Update: Preparing for Production + Failed Pledges + $5 Freebies Tip Jar

Hello Softies,

I hope everyone's having a great week so far. This update is just a quick (but meaty) one, so sit tight!

For those who aren't familiar with Backerkit, all funds for this campaign are not released to me until February 27th. This means that I'll be taking everything into production early March. As we're waiting, I've already begun to contact all my manufacturers, and they are aware of this holding period, and have begun formatting all of my files as well as preparing all plushies for production. We're getting there!

As of this update, there are still 14 failed pledges that are awaiting fixes. Please make sure your payment method is correct. Should your pledge fail, and you are unable to resolve the issue by the time surveys are sent out, your pledge will be considered canceled, and all freebies associated with your order, if any, will be canceled as well.

Finally, I have some bad (but not *that* bad) news: the sticker cost of production for McMadmissile's vinyl stickers are very expensive. I was surprised by the price tag! I had originally wanted to give everyone a whole set if we could raise enough money through the Tip Jar (an option in the survey), but unless we can raise several hundred dollars more, I may be only able to give each order a couple of stickers as opposed to the entire set. And, even if I can give everyone an entire set, it will be while supplies last, as I do not have infinite funds to print hundreds of each design. Of course, I will print slightly more than the number of final orders I have, so please rest assured. I am talking about those who preorder once the deadline for locking orders closes, or those who purchase in-stock plushies by the time I have them in my hands.

Surveys are estimated to go out March 1st, and will lock on March 15th.

When surveys go out for backers, you'll see this option listed below. Please consider adding it to your order if you'd like a whole set. For those who missed out on pledging and want to help chip in through the Preorder Store, you can add it here along with the rest of your order. It helps me bolster my funds just a bit. I appreciate everyone's support!

IMPORTANT: You will NOT get a set of stickers if you only select the Tip Jar. All freebies are only included with a physical item order.

This item will be available in the Preorder Store as well as on everyone's surveys. Note that every dollar for the Tip Jar will go towards funding these freebie stickers. These stickers are valued at $30 for the set!

Thank you all again, and see you next update!
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