The kitsune won as the freebie sticker for every backer! Please vote for which color you like most on the poll, and the winner will be the one that I order!
Also, I was having trouble with replies loading on questions, so for the haku and sailor moon enamel pin variants, those will only be available as an add-on, whether in the add-on section of the main campaign, or in the backerkit survey after the campaign ends.
The main campaign tiers will only be for the original 13 pins that are black plated to make it easier to fulfill. Then all other colors will be available to select as an add-on, in which you will let me know your selections in the survey.
The main campaign is a bit confusing because it has add-ons available on it; then the survey will have an "Add-on Shop" as well. Both of those categories will have the other colors as options, just not the primary pin tiers.