Melissa Francis
11 days ago

Project Update: Survey Test Tonight/Full Survey Release Tomorrow

My survey has been approved, and the smoke test has gone out to 5% of backers in each tier. This will hopefully catch any mistakes I might have made before it becomes messy with too many incorrect surveys! As long as I am not flooded with support requests overnight, then the remaining surveys will all go out tomorrow. 

The survey balances (add-ons and shipping) will be charged in a little over a week, next Friday, March 7th; so that I can pay for all of the products and pre-pay for the postage to make sure it's all covered.

We also ended up going over $13k, so the Maneki Neko sticker has been added as another freebie for every backer!  

Lastly, my campaign was set to only ship to the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Switzerland. If you are outside of these countries, then you will see a $999 shipping charge. Do not pay this! Please contact me immediately to either provide me with an address within a country that I am shipping to, or to cancel your pledge and refund (less fees, since the only way to have backed is if you incorrectly entered in the country to bypass my shipping restriction). 

Thank you!






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