Olivia Ryan
4 months ago

Project Update: The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game corebook is in layout—want a sneak peek?

Hello backers,

We’re incredibly excited to share this update with you—you just HAVE to see this! Get a preview of this corebook!

With the corebook manuscript completed, edited, and approved by the folks at Rusty Quill, the next step is layout. We’ve had loads of amazingly unnerving art sent to us recently, and the book is really starting to take form. These preview images aren’t final, but they sure are cool.

Image not final; subject to change

Image not final; subject to change
Image not final; subject to change

The player's guide and the corebook are in proofing and will be heading to the printer at the end of the month—we're excited and hope you are, too.

The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game, and the many other great items you funded through this campaign, are getting closer and closer to becoming realities. We’re looking forward to having this game in our hands—and getting it into yours, of course!

 Thanks again for your support,
 —Team MCG




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