Matt Robertson
4 months ago

Project Update: We are closing in on the final goal!

Hi everyone!

I'm back from BGG Con and I have to share this amazing Mexican restaurant we found in Dallas. If you're ever there visiting, check out La Salsa Verde (the original location). Look at these tacos!

The homemade tacos were amazing!

Now that you're all hungry for tacos let's get down to business. We are 2/3 of the way funded!

Thanks to everyone who has signed up to support the module. If you could, please consider sharing the project with your friends, on your socials, and in your gaming communities. I'm confident we will make funding but it would be nice to get there sooner than later.  Brendan's mom also really wants that bumper sticker!

Just drop this link and let everyone know they should back it today!
The Golden Idol of En-Tridar

If your itching to hear more about what's inside the module, I've got just the thing for ya. I recently did an interview with Stefan Surratt from Dragon Peak Publishing. You can read about some of the details that went into the Hidden Lord's creation of the golden idol!

Check out this Interview with Matt Robertson about The Golden Idol of En-Tridar!

Here are some other projects that I'm excited about!

Look at the amazing cover art for this one, a great spooky vibe!
The Ashmore Herald Vol. 2: What Remains of House DuCrane

Studio 9 and C. Aaron Kreader always put out great content, A Strange Night at the Pint and Pony and Welcome to Eastwood being two of my personal favorites. This is sure to be another hit!
Into the Dark!

Did someone say giants? Dragon Peak Publishing is coming out with a giant sized crowdfunding campaign.
The Conquest of Chaos





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