Sail ho, ye filthy bilge rats! It is I, Jet McFin! The others are off-ship at the moment, so I've commandeered the comms. Call me "Captain!" I beg you!
Artistic rendition of Jet McFin stealing the comms. He's shown here with Carson's signature red cape and Jay's blue medal sash.
We're through the hyperspace maelstrom now, our second stretch goal! That means Joshua Justice will tarry below decks at his weird little subspace radio to bring you minute-long radio broadcasts for each pirate crew and mission in Devil's Due. Expect the unexpected! His radio has a hundred eyes and takes offense at being spoken to, so wish him the very best of luck as he embarks on this strange audio journey in the depths of our hold.
Speaking of audio, check out this interview with Kyle Tam and Strange Horizons! It's got a lot of fun insights into both Devil's Due, writing, and TTRPGs on the whole. Great stuff, and always wonderful to see inside the mind of a writer. BONUS: If you're unable to listen, there's a transcript of the audio that you can read at your leisure.
Guess what? More interviews are on the horizon! We can't stop talking and you can't make us! On 21 November at 5pm PT / 8pm ET / 1am GMT, our very own Carson will be having a sit-down with the Panic Table. He's going to discuss all things Devil's Due and other fun things!
In the wider world of Mothership Month, all project have been funded. A hearty congratulations to our fellow creators! For physical and deluxe backers of Devils' Due: this means we'll be designing temporary tattoos and adding 5 copies to each physical and deluxe pledge level. Real space pirates love these things. I've got a dozen on my face!
Last and certainly, certainly not least: we're about halfway through the first 48 hours, which means there's still a bit of time left to back us and get the patch for free at the physical pledge level.
We'd like to focus on what you want to hear for our next update, so shout out in the comments! Want to know about the creative process we went through with so many writers? Want to know weird facts about real-life space pirates? Need to know why there are no bees in outer space? Want to start an argument about why distant stars look so tiny unless you have a telescope? (I'm a flat-spacer, so my personal belief on that is that flat space makes things look tiny from far away because our eyes are smaller on a flat plane than big things so they get filtered down to fit into our pupils.)
We'd love to talk about mostly anything and almost everything, so tell us in the comments! We'll likely include it in the next update.
If all Mothership Month projects reach their funding goal, we'll commission a temporary tattoo design and include 5 of these tattoos in each Physical and Deluxe pledge.
Goal: 21 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!