Therena Carlin
13 days ago

Project Update: Stretch goal unlocked (Map revealed), plus character theme songs - the unsung heroes in my stories.

Greetings Star Seekers,

If there is one thing I learned from my experience as a backer and a creator, it is that crowdfunding is about the journey, not unlike those of a character in a story. Sometimes these journeys start years, decades even, before the campaign is ever launched. Other times, it is actively happening during the campaign.

As with this campaign there are multiple journeys happening simultaneously. As far as progress on the book goes, I just submitted the newly edited and shiny manuscript for Star Awakened to my editor after I received very valuable feedback from a beta reader. He will be going over it over the next month and hopefully get it back by October so I can go through any needed revisions. I've actually come to love this part, as I have learned just how much I improve and grow during this stage, and that is one of my highest values. (Growth and learning)

But there is another journey happening, one of which you are very much a part of. And that is the funding journey, or in prettier words, Stretch goals! For what is a goal other than a quest you set out to do? With that in mind, I just designed this shiny new stretch goal graphic for the campaign. And, since much of these two books happen onboard the Black Maiden (sailing vessel), I thought I would create a map of your journey! The art is a very dark render of the map I made of the Great Sea, which is an interior illustration in Star Found ^_^

And what better way to celebrate the first official unlocked stretch goal?

As we unlock more goals I will move the little sail boat down the path to the ultimate stretch goal of the leather case cover upgrade!

🔓💫You guys did it! You unlocked the commemorative holographic sticker for all physical tiers!

🌟Next up, backer credit in the special thanks page in Star Awakened when we hit $11,000.

🌟Beyond that, I figured that a digital NSFW art PDF for all backers would be a good stretch goal. I usually only share NSFW content on my Patreon, but I think this would be a good reward for backers as well. And since spicy art is too hot to share here, it is the perfect compliment to your digital rewards! Some of the NSFW art will be in the book itself, but not all of them. 

The soundtrack to the characters & books 

Okay, so I really wanted to talk about music as it relates to my books and characters...yup, pretty much all of them have a theme song. Music is integral to my art and my writing. It powers my Muse, and it wouldn't be fair to my Muse to at least mention this very important part of my journey and process. When I write, I have to play music in the background. But something really bizarre happens as I fall deeper into focus--I stop hearing anything. For this reason I typically listen to epic soundtracks. Howard Shore, Two steps from hell, Jo Blankenburg, Midnight Syndicate, to name just a few, are my go-to artists for inspiration.

But, occasionally a song with lyrics will attach itself to a character. So, I thought it might be fun to share the songs which I put on repeat when I wrote certain characters or scenes! And perhaps you can enjoy these when you read the books!

Let's start with Evie & Cain, while writing them for the first time, I kept playing "Out of my life" by Omnimar. It put me in Evie's POV and build how she felt about Cain. For Cain's POV, I found myself inspired by Apocalyptica's "Not Strong Enough".

For the scene in the sacred grove, I discovered Says by Nils Frahm. And I highly recommend listening to it when you read that chapter! This song transcended my Muse as I wrote the scene. It carried me past my writers block at the time and into one of my favourite scenes in Star Found. I remember lying on the couch, feeling stuck, eyes closed when this song came on. (Thank you Google playlists for knowing what I like!) Anyway, I suddenly saw this scene with such clarity that I wrote it in a passionate frenzy to the beat of the music. I had the song on repeat, and this is the art inspired by that very scene. (SFW version - the NSFW version is in the novel)


These two characters grow in importance in Star Awakened. With Gabriel being introduced in Star Found, you will discover more of his past in book two as well. In fact, one of the reasons book 2 took so long was because I needed to get to know these two better before I could write some of the major plot lines from the series!
Their relationship is... complicated, to say it nicely. And so their songs capture these emotions.
For Gabriel, I imagine the song Fire on Fire by Sam Smith perfectly captures his feelings for Nisha. While Nisha's song is Wicked Game by Lusaint. And between the two of them Last Dance by Covenant has inspired a large part of their story.

And since you guys voted to see them next, here is the sketch for the character art I will finish next and hopefully reveal by tomorrow! It will be in Star Awakened!

There's many more songs I'm sure. In fact, if you want to hear the totally absurd music which inspires me you can check out these playlists I made for myself.
My current favourite list. Warning, some songs are probably a bit emo... 😅Um, Muse has a rather malencholy side to her, in case that wasn't clear in my art. 
And my epic fantasy lists: (Don't judge my naming 😅)
Haunted celestial dragons
Epic Cinematic Feels
And a go-to album for writing fight scenes: Battlecry

Music has been the greatest source of my inspiration for both my art and books. Often a single phrase would trigger an entire plotline or event, and in some cases even define a character!

So when you get to read Star Found & Star Awakened, turn on these playlists and let the music wash over you as you get to know the characters in a way only I have ever known them.

Does music inspire you? If so what is your favourite song?

Hope you loved today's reveal of my creative process. Somehow sharing my taste in music feels more vulnerable than sharing my art.

Hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend! I'll be back to share more art with you again tomorrow!

Yours in art,

PS: I have extended the early bird tiers for one more day! So if you wanted to snag one of those, don't wait! Back today!

11 votes • Final results
Join the tribe, unlock a FREE holographic sticker when we hit 100 backers
Goal: 77 / 100 backers
We need 23 more to reach this goal.
Once we hit the goal, everyone gets a FREE Sticker
Goal: 6 / 50
We need 44 more to reach this goal.
Once we hit $11,000 I will make a special thank you page where all backers will have their names credited (You will choose what you want to use in the pledge manager)
Goal: $11,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
Once we reach $10,000 all physical tier backers will get a holographic commemorative sticker!
Goal: $10,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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