Creators You Might Like
These are creators that you might be interested because you are interested in Limited Edition - 78 Tarot 10th Anniversary Deck - Celebration of Global Tarot Art by 78 Tarot .
Publishing Goblin
17,437 FollowersNormal Tarot: The Third One
The launch of the beautiful 3rd Edition of the Normal Tarot, and reprints of the 1st and 2nd edition decks!
$155,006 🎉of $35,0001,903backers
Publishing Goblin
17,437 FollowersPublishing Goblin's Oracle Dice, 2nd Edition
The iconic oracle dice set from the creator of the Alleyman's Tarot is back with a second edition. 21 custom made dice, 126 faces of fate... What futures will your dice foretell?
$213,809 🎉of $50,0003,319backers
Astraea Creative
1,609 FollowersThe Wild Way Oracle Book & Deck by Nicola Allan
Observe and celebrate the passing of the year with The Wild Way by exploring the Celtic Wheel of the Year and 36 decans of the zodiac. Add-ons include 8 brand new cards for The Wild Way Oracle Deck! All products eco-friendly and manufactured in the UK ✨
£42,579 🎉of £9,500615backers
Publishing Goblin
17,437 FollowersBlood & Rust: The Misery Tarot
From the Alley: The Misery Tarot seeks to be born from the deep wound in our hearts. Through blood and rust, the Misery Tarot crawls from the dark. A tarot to traverse our trauma and pain, uniquely reading over the top of other tarot decks.
$77,800 🎉of $35,000812backers
Crossed Paths
17,145 FollowersThe Covens of Midnight - A Tarot-Based GM-less Solo RPG
Become a student at The Midnight Court, a College for the Arcane. This is GM-less Journalling TTRPG that uses Tarot and Card Divination to unlock your fate.
£337,194 🎉of £1,5004,504backers
La Panthère Studio
1,726 FollowersMystic Storyteller: A Writer’s Guide to Using the Tarot
New from author and designer Amanda Hughes! This definitive source for writers on how to use tarot cards to build story, plot and character... and so much MORE! MYSTIC STORYTELLER is a 500-page book with its own tarot deck — Art by Roz Kazaz
$18,805 🎉of $17,000292backers
Publishing Goblin
17,437 FollowersNew Avernus
In the apocalyptic world of New Avernus, 1-4 players will vie for their god's favor by clearing the rubble of the old world and building a city worthy of his annihilating gaze. Over 7-10 turns, players race to gather resources and carefully plan their city before a destructive meteor makes landfall. Once the smoke clears, and the cities are surrounded by their rubble, the player with the most points still standing wins!
$29,073 🎉of $15,000552backers
Fatum Cards
3,833 FollowersFatum - GM's Oracle
Fatum - GM's Oracle empowers you to shape adventures by determining character origins, quest rewards, and NPC intentions. Peer into lives, unleash a multiverse of options, and seamlessly integrate with other decks for expansive storytelling.
€101,603 🎉of €6,0001,154backers
Publishing Goblin
17,437 FollowersConfluence: The Living Archive
Confluence is an expansive tabletop roleplaying game of in-world artifacts and Atlases, built upon a world and a system that grows and changes as you explore.
$72,045 🎉of $55,000805backers
Esra | La Muci
4,230 FollowersMystic Flora Pin Collection
🌿🌸 Dive into the limited edition Mystic Flora Pin Collection! 12 stunning enamel pins that strike the perfect balance between a ✨ chic fashion accessory and a homage to 🎴 tarot. Join us in blending botanical beauty and mystical wisdom. 🌙🪴
€4,963 🎉of €3,00066backers
Publishing Goblin
17,437 FollowersFrom the Alley: the Alleyman Pinset
Your daily commute is so close to magic every day. Step from the street into the Alley, and find the fantastic.
$12,375 🎉of $1,000279backers
11,006 FollowersTentacle Kitty: Campaign Critters Reroll
Cats, tentacles, super cuddliness. What more could you want in a plush? TABLETOP CRITTERS?! OWLBEARS, KOBOLDS, COEURLS, DICE & MORE!
$320,468 🎉of $120,0002,869backers
Ellen Million
307 FollowersA Unicorn Key ~ Oracle and Guide Deck
The magic of a unicorn and mystery of a key are the perfect mix for an enchanted oracle card deck. Unlock your own potential with the gentle assistance of a beautiful, heartfelt deck with hints of tarot symbolism, designed and developed by Ellen Million.
$7,660 🎉of $1,80086backers
Steve Jackson Games
36,936 FollowersMunchkin Big Box
Dive into 25 years of chaos and monster-slaying, all in one gigantic box, the Munchkin Big Box! Kill the monsters, betray your buddies, and hoard the treasures like never before.
$1,313,127 🎉of $75,0009,197backers
Life Spirit
365 FollowersAmber Tarot Transformer Edition
The 78 Amber Tarot cards use real photography without computer graphics or AI. The Transformer Edition includes 5 additional cards that let you adapt the deck to 3 tarot systems: English, French, and Rosicrucian.
€4,732 🎉of €1,50047backers
Marcail | Cosmic Butcher
378 FollowersGuide to the Strange & Eternal Tarot Deck (Second Edition!)
A boldly designed & progressive homage to the classic Rider-Waite tarot deck. You are your own guide within this strange universe.
$4,251 🎉of $4,00069backers
Zombie Orpheus Entertainment
12,796 FollowersMercedes Lackey's "Grandmaster" - A Deluxe Valdemar Anthology
A limited deluxe edition book, the first volume in the Mercedes Lackey Library.
$321,112 🎉of $120,0003,692backers
Publishing Goblin
17,437 FollowersLike Warm Plastic
A new poetry collection from Seven Dane Asmund, featuring work exploring the space left after a sibling dies, when you abandon yourself to find love, make that lucky connection, and lose it once more. A collection on loss and building yourself back up.
$4,085 🎉of $1,500103backers
The Snarky Company
5,528 FollowersInk & Enamel
A pin collection for readers, audiobook fans, and book lovers.
$54,837 🎉of $3,0001,046backers
Crossed Paths
17,145 FollowersThe Throne of Luster - An Epic Fantasy Novel
The Throne of Luster, the first in an epic new fantasy series set within Akeroth, arrives to whisk you away to a world of Light-based Magic & Dragons! You can also join in for a exclusive content, pins, stickers, art prints, RPGs, and more!
£38,340 🎉of £1,000752backers
Evil Hat Productions
39,315 FollowersStewpot: Tales from a Fantasy Tavern
Stewpot: Tales from a Fantasy Tavern is a collection of small games for groups of three or more players. You play a retired adventurer running a tavern and settling down in a town. Put down the sword and pick up the ladle.
$202,090 🎉of $30,0004,519backers
Tim Hutchings
14,496 FollowersSo You've Met A Thousand Year Old Vampire
You're a regular person who has made the acquaintance of a dangerous unnatural creature. Are you a friend, a lover, food, or something else? This solo tabletop role-playing game is a direct sequel to the award-winning Thousand Year Old Vampire!
$284,129 🎉of $45,0004,108backers
150,294 FollowersWords of Radiance Leatherbound by Brandon Sanderson
Words of Radiance, the second in Brandon Sanderson's epic series The Stormlight Archive, arrives in leatherbound! You can also join in for a New Secret Project, Dragonsteel Prime, The Way of Kings Prime (Second Edition), spren plushies, and more!
$23,756,818 🎉of $2,000,000102,089backers
Renegade Game Studios
31,571 FollowersWelcome to Night Vale Roleplaying Game
The Welcome to Night Vale Roleplaying Game is a campaign setting for the Essᴇɴᴄᴇ20 Rᴏʟᴇᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ Sʏsᴛᴇᴍ, based on the Welcome to Night Vale podcast.
$529,977 🎉of $25,0006,654backers
Carly K | Mythic Mgmt
2,009 FollowersCelestial Pin Collection
A small collection of hard enamel pins for those fascinated with the cosmos.
$29,284 🎉of $3,000601backers