First we unlocked a stretch goal I really wanted, which was the ribbon bookmarks for the books. I don't know about you, but I use these in the Savage Worlds core book and companions all the time, and I'm thrilled we're going to get them for Han Cluster too. They'll be in a cool blue theme in honor all of us Vivids! Then we went ahead and smashed through the another one to unlock digital Status cards. This way your players can keep easy track of their characters Ghosted or Capped status with cards that provide handy Nex Interaction rules for each so it's all right there and easy to reference!
Next up are the digital cards for the new powers in the Han Cluster setting, all of which are really cool and specific to the transhuman abilities humanity has unlocked! As with so many of the other digital assets, it's great to have these as printable so that you can simply print as many as you need.
Savage Universe Stream
Remember that tomorrow night (or tonight depending on when you read this), my spouse Boof Sizemore, and my old friend Darrell Hayhurst will be joining me and J-M to dive deep into the Transcendence Plot Point Campaign included in the Han Cluster Adventure book. It's very exciting to be able to tease (and spoil) some of the really cool things within it as a perk to those who attend (Shhhh!). It'll be a fun time, and I'm really looking forward to it! See you all in a few hours, and please help spread the word. We have lots of cool things in store. Thank you again, to everyone!