Hey team, I stuffed up and failed to pick up my package before it was returned to sender. Can you please let me know how to organise to have it resent? Thanks!
I have everything except the Roll 20 VTT and my order is marked completed. Last note I saw said this wasn't ready yet. Do we have an ETA for the VTT?
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
Hello! Is it possible to buy a hardcover version of Print on Demand Stewpot? My PoD link only puts a softcover version in my DTRPG basket and I can't go to a Stewpot page.
I attempt to hit the link for DriveThru and get: Error A provided discount code has expired
On drivethrurpg, it wants me to pay when I click the link in the email. Why does it want me to pay $6.95 when I backed the Kickstarter for $15?