Evil Hat Productions
5 months ago

Project Update: Stewpot is at the printers!

Quick update today friends: Stewpot is at the printers, books are getting made!

We have taken delivery on everything else (the coins, dice, cards) so once the books come in we will gear up for fulfillment. Right now, based on the current estimates we have from our printing house, we are targeting late October to start spinning up delivery.  (YMMV.) That means you have plenty of time to update your address before we lock down orders and charge shipping fees.

So everything is on track as planned. Barring any hiccups, our next check-in will have more details about prepping the actual fulfillment.

With Stewpot on the path to completion, we have a new project to tease:

Caption: Two new books for Monster of the Week. On the right, mockups of the supplements: the Hunter's Journal and the Slayer's Survival Kit. Along the bottom another caption: Crowdfunding soon on BackerKit.

The Slayer's Survival Kit features new Hunter & Team playbooks, new Weird moves and more. The Hunter's Journal is a toolkit to create personalized Hunter Stories for all 33 playbooks we've published. Together they represent 600 pages of new material for Monster of the Week.

If you want to get notified when the project goes live in October, sign up for the launch here:

Thanks for your time, and we'll check in with you again next month!
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