11 months ago

Project Update: em the bipolar chimera UNLOCKED - help us choose their design!

YAY YAY YIPPEE We've reached another goal!!! Em has been voted as the next plush to unlock, but their design still isn't finalized, so I'd love your feedback so I can know which one most people would be interested in getting!

Please note that it is literally impossible to make a design that everyone likes, a fact which torments me daily 💔 but I value your feedback and want to make a design that the most people will feel happy about!

There is also a poll to choose the next goal! I will make another update about this after we have chosen a design for Em.

Here are the three designs to choose from:
three design concepts for Em

Option 1: wavy with a gray stripe

This option would employ applique embroidery to create a thin line of gray embroidery between the cream and black, down the middle of the face, through the middle of the stomach, and down the back. The inner ears, brows, paw pads, and muzzle would also be gray. The tail would still be black and cream only.

Option 2: straight gray stripe

This option would have the middle gray line be fabric, as opposed to embroidery. The line would extend down the back and tummy as well. Similar to the first option, the inner ears, brows, paw pads, and muzzle are also gray, and the tail would be black and cream only.

Option 3: black + cream only

This is the original design, which I know some people still prefer, so I wanted to include it!

This poll will go until this evening, at which point I will arrange the sample to be made based on which design is chosen!

I've already chosen the fabrics, including the light gray, should we land on an option that has that color in it! Here's the color swatch:
color swatch for Em!

And the original artwork for their full design, which I will edit to match the decision we make:

Em's original design sheet - to be edited!

Thank you again for helping us unlock this goal, and for your feedback on this design!! :D I'm excited to see what we land on and get started on making Em real!!

Have an awesome day!

- Han <3

user avatar image for Hannimations





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