Lone Colossus Games
2 months ago

Project Update: Locking Orders Soon + Cool Project!

Hey everyone!

I got a preview of the final PDF over the weekend, which means we're extremely close to the digital release of Tome of Intangible Treasures! There are a few minor details left to be ironed out, and then I'll be making the PDF available through your downloads on BackerKit. I will also send it out on DriveThruRPG in case you want a copy there, and so you can leave it a review when you've had a chance to enjoy it for a bit.

This means that I will be locking orders later this week to make sure things are ready for the PDF download distribution. If you have items you want to get added to your survey, now's the time to do it. It'll technically be possible to make changes to your items later, but it will be a lot less easy to do so. You'll get a notification from BackerKit 48 hours before orders lock.

Timeline for Charging Cards

Orders may be locking, but we've still got the manufacturing period left to go before shipping. I'll let you know when I have a more specific date for charging cards for shipping/late pledges/survey add-ons, but for now I would assume it will be either late December or early January.

A Cool Project

Kefa Studios has been a longtime supporter of Lone Colossus Games, and helped me out with getting eyes on my very first project. Their latest project, the Complete Guide to Jousting, is live now on Kickstarter and gives you everything you need to bring this exciting sport to your game, including mechanics for jousting (even on flying creatures!), using spells, new equipment for riders and their mounts, new mounts, and so much more.

If you're a fan of medieval festivals or real life ren faires, definitely go check it out! A jousting tournament is sure to be a place to earn a Title or two.

That's it for this update, and you can look forward to seeing the PDF of Tome of Intangible Treasures very soon!
- Josh
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