Frank Anthony
2 months ago



Lots and lots of stuff going on, so if we forget something, please forgive us as it will come out soon enough.

Many of you are aware of a series of (paid, obviously) ads we’ve recently run on Facebook. We did this to promote this campaign but also to test many very important factors. All of the specific details and plans we have will be left out of this particular update, and this update is a courtesy to you and to inform you of some very much needed changes to this project. Don’t worry, the 100% ORIGINAL CONTENT will stay 100% the same in every aspect except for the covers for both the spell book and the adventure itself. Here are the reasons why, based on what our ad tests (and our other resources) have led us to believe and know.

1. Many people believe that this adventure is almost entirely based on Japanese mythos because the MAIN villain in this adventure is a powerful Oni Lord. As much as we love our Japanese friends, these mythos will only act a a main base or backdrop that are, in actuality, featuring 9 (NINE) DIFFERENT villain types, monsters, spells, magic items, etc. We changed our logo and much of the look, tone, and feel of our ads to convey these facts.

2. We are also changing the NAMES of certain things for two main reasons. First, we had several mindless people viewing our ads to believe that this product is a “real” book on “black magic” designed to destroy innocent people. Lol All we can say is that not only are we quite grateful for Facebook’s HIDE feature, but even though these viewers seem to be (to be VERY kind here) completely uneducated as to what a ROLEPLAYING GAME is, in a way we are grateful that much of the dark fantasy content spooks these people a little bit. After all, the greatest fiction strikes a nerve and rattles people to their core a little bit.

3. We’ve discovered a never-ending list of saboteurs that have tried to claim very foolish things about this project for the sole purpose of derailing it. Blacklisting is just one very foolish thing, but also total fabrications that exist only in the minds of the perpetually delusional. Again, we are being extremely kind when we say that this will probably be the most foolish act these beings will ever take a part in. We will spare you the scores and scores of screenshots (we still have MANY of them saved) of this foolishness, but please just realize that this project will be something you will be very glad in backing and supporting. No business or creator(s) deserve this idiotic persecution, and we are gonna go the extra mile to make you very glad you supported us. 

So, when you see our new ads again, please understand and know that every one of these changes were and are very important to make. We are living in very disturbing times where people are no longer using their minds and their ability to reason rationally, but they are instead blindly “thinking” with their raw emotions and odd beliefs at the drop of a hat. All of this nonsense has put a bit of a delay on things, but it will ultimately be a much better product. 

For those that already backed this project on Backerkit, and even for those that haven’t backed this project yet, we are offering 100 SPELL CARDS IN DIGITAL AND PRINT with an ADDITIONAL 20 CARDS showcasing special MAGIC ITEMS, WEAPONS, and other cool magical things that you and/or your players can use to aid in your campaign and future adventures to come!

If you happen to come across any of these CANCEL CULTURE ENTHUSIASTS, will you please be so kind and let us know so we can very kindly and gently set these automatons straight? A simple and UNedited screenshot will do. We do not deserve to have disturbed individuals negatively “tinkering” with our livelihoods and beloved project for ANY of these foolish reasons. Some have not even been mentioned here! Dark Fantasy is NOT evil. It’s Dark Fantasy. Nothing more, and nothing less. Same thing with our very harmless and sane beliefs…

Thank you all again. You will undoubtedly see our ads on FB very soon as well as the new crowdfunding platform we will be using. 
And thanks again for your sanity and COMMON SENSE. You are awesome and very much appreciated!





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