Frank Anthony
24 days ago

Project Update: 8-28-2024-SPELL-IZLANDIC ARMOUR


Sorry for the delay. Been working on lots of factors regarding our second, UPCOMING, and final crowdfunding campaign. We will have more details very soon, as soon as they are concrete!

The attached spell is one of the IZLANDIC spells crafted by the barbaric wizard/warrior clans that dwell in the coldest regions of the northern realms. Loosely-Inspired by (gorgeous Icelandic staves) Icelandic magic, this is something different entirely, yet with a respectful nod to the aforementioned.

This particular spell, IZLANDIC ARMOUR, is one that provides 1-5 willing targets a temporary (12 hours in total) magical bonus to their armor class as long as some form of armor is worn. This can be anything from paltry PADDED ARMOR to magnificent FIELD PLATE. 

This spell offers protection from cold, ice, and frost spells and arctic conditions as well. This takes the form of the target receiving only 50% of damage they would normally suffer. The DM may choose to add something like a successful saving throw eliminates ALL damage - or something similar. Anything NOT included in our spell’s listing means the DM should make their own governing decision(s).

Regarding “spell variations.” We want to bring a tremendous amount of VARIETY for our beloved backers. So, if you see one spell spelled ARMOR and another one spelled ARMOUR, it is by design. Same as magic vs. Magick. This just suggests that different authors have worked on this POWERFUL SPELL BOOK! Because they have! ARTWORK AS WELL - AS SHOWN HERE!

Have a great and SAFE holiday weekend coming up. We will be back again very soon!





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