Elliot Davis
about 2 months ago

Project Update: January Update - On Track

Happy New Year!

The Time We Have production is making steady progress and we are currently on track with our planned schedule. 

This month I have been receiving pitches and writings from our Guest Writers and starting to share those along to our Guest Illustrators. 

Oh my god, some of these door cards are going to blow your minds. When I sought out this group of writers, I was hoping for some wild interpretations of a "zombie virus" and that is exactly what I have gotten. A little preview:

  • A witch's vengeful curse that is turning people into beasts 
  • A virus affecting the citizens of Hell that is... good?
  • A weaponized virus in the trenches of WWII

And that's just 3 of 12!

This month is a big writing month. Next month I should have some new visuals to share as our guest illustrators deliver their work. ALSO Ripley has begun work on the special edition cover so stay tuned for that!

ANOTHER Actual Play?

You bet! The incredibly talented folks at Unprepared Casters have put out a filmed one shot of The Time We Have on their patreon. The episode features Amelia and Haley as brothers reckoning with a feywild infection. It is set in the wider universe of their show and is a great example of how you might use this game to go deeper within a longer campaign.

Watch Here

These two are so incredibly talented and it is a heartbreaking watch. Highly recommend joining their patreon to check it out (for just $2!).

What's Next?

These next two months will be focused on getting all the writing, illustration, and card design in order. We are aiming for files to the printer by March which will keep us on track for games to be in my hands over the summer.

OH! One more thing - we are going to be able to afford Spot UV on the game packaging! Which is just one of those little production touches that makes me so happy. (and is all thanks to your support!)

The Pre-Order Store is still live in case you or someone you know missed the campaign. Keep an eye out soon for your pledge manager if you were a supporter during the campaign!

Thank you so much for your support for The Time We Have!

More soon,





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