Jason Ward (Accidental Cyclops Games)
10 months ago

Project Update: Writing Almost Done, Production Starting Soon, and Join Us for a Live Play!

Hey folks, thanks for taking the time to read the monthly update! We've got a ton to cover, so stick with me. 

Writing, Production, and Fulfillment

First, Angel Dust is done... well, the writing and editing are, at least! Second, KFAD has been entirely drafted! It is about to go into editing. That should only take the next couple of weeks, give or take. 

Art is getting near completion. We have a few more pieces to commission from our lovely artist, Teresa Guido, but we're really close to being done with the art. Essentially, we need to see how much more room we have in the book before we decide how many more pieces to create.

So, that means that the book layout will be happening in April, and we'll be ready to go to print in May. That still leaves us a month or so behind schedule. I am very sorry for that. We underestimated the amount of time it would take us to get the story and rules just right. We're close now!

Actual play of The Real Thing, with special guests!

We are excited to present the Real Thing Stream; a six-session actual play through the scenarios of all three books! Guest starring Bryan Steele, Erin Roberts, and Elisa Teague from Surviving Strangehollow, Ders Pederson from The Storyteller Squad, Rick Heinz from Storytellers Forge, and Megan and Sean Jaffe from Nerdy City, and narrated by Jason Peercy, co-designer of The Real Thing trilogy. Join us on Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/accidentalcyclops

Find it on our Twitch channel at these dates and times (US): 
  • Saturday March 16th at 6:30pm EST
  • Saturday March 30th at 6:30pm EST
  • Friday May 3rd at 7:30 pm EST
  • Friday May 10th at 7:30 pm EST
  • Friday May 17th at 7:30 pm EST
  • Friday May 24th at 7:30 pm EST

Last chance to get Angel Dust and King for a Day!

We are nearing the end of the production window for parts 2 and 3 of The Real Thing. You only have a short time left to pre-order them if you want to make sure you get the complete story and entire rules system. Grab your pre-order copies here! 

Check out our new project!

We are live now with Surviving Strangehollow. It is a fantasy setting and supplement with amazing artwork and a legendary creative team. We'd love your support!


Thanks, everyone!





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