Coffee Beans Dev
2 months ago

Project Update: Happy New Year!

Here is a quick TLDR game update after the holiday season has officially ended for me few days ago!

While usually this season is a bit more quiet due everyone taking vacations, we managed to still do a bit of progress:

  • We have reworked a bit the game from the technical side and fixing up some things related to it - there were some big issues with an initial approach on one part of the game that has been decided on to change up to save time and work with all the adjustments. I think this decision actually removes a good part of work that was needed for the game, letting us progress faster.
  • Save & Load system is now in working! It still needs some adjustments but the base seems to be good to go! Right now we are planning to add a few save slots as well so you can create different kinds of cafes as requested.
  • Finishing up the walking animations for all the initial NPCs, idle animations done and today finished their sitting sprites! There are portraits currently in the works and I will also start animating the sitting sprites in these days so they are all ready and set to be implemented in the game.
  • I have now also trying to start out with streaming, mostly art ones, as I go long sessions of drawing and having some company helps. Streaming will help achieve affiliate status and after that we can start testing out some of the upcoming Twitch integration functions for Tailside too.
  • Launch date of the game has been officially updated on Steam from unknown to 2025 (so far, so good and seems like we are on track with schedules!)

Help us reach 90 reviews on Demo
If you tried it and liked it, please take a minute to leave a review, even a short one would be appreciated! The current goal is to reach 90 reviews on Steam and we are almost there!

Coming next:
  • The next big work planned is to start on the NPC customers system! (the actual characters, not only the creatures. That's why I'm currently rushing to finish all the sprites and animations for this)





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