Inkwell Ideas
9 days ago

Project Update: New Worldographer Demo Version Posted & Our First New Features Poll!

Thank you for your support!  As mentioned in our prior update, as another way of including you in the project, we're going to have a few polls where you can vote for which new features we should add to the program. The first one is here and ends on the 13th at 1pm US pacific. If you haven't backed yet, the earlier you do, the more of these polls you'll be able to vote in.

We'll be doing at least 3 of these polls during the funding campaign, and we'll likely find a way to keep it up.  I've done my best to scour comments here, on our discord, emails, facebook, etc., but if I missed an idea you had, please post it as a comment here and we'll get it added for the next poll. 

And we've just posted a new version of the demo, 1.06, with a bunch of small bug fixes.  Get it here.

Finally, if you have a chance to spread the word please do.  If you're friends with (or you yourself) run a blog or vlog or you're a fellow publisher please let me know!  Or if you see one of our ads, please share it (that helps the most with the algorithms) or like it (supposedly an emoji that isn't the default "thumbs up" helps more than that emoji).

Thanks again,




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