Inkwell Ideas
5 days ago

Project Update: Week 1 Success! Poll Results & New Poll!

Hi Folks,
Week one of the Worldographer 2025 crowdfunding effort has wrapped and we're excited with where we are!  Thank you! You're helping to ensure that Worldographer sticks around for the long haul and gets a steady stream of improvements.

And our first poll of new feature ideas wrapped up yesterday as well--in a tie!  UVTT support & multiple planets per system in the cosmic map generator were co-winners. But both are probably the largest two features in scope in that poll so we'll be working on them steadily over the next couple of months--just don't expect them to be released next week. :)  The multiple planets per star system has the complication that no one generation method is widely agreed upon.  So we have to figure out an approach to that. The UVTT work is something I'm scoping out.  It may be fairly quick, or it could require some extra changes elsewhere in Worldographer.

But today we did put out a new update to the preview.  This has a few bug fixes as well as better support for importing graphics as terrain and features.  One tiny enhancement that I'm really happy with: hold down "alt" as you do a paint-bucket-fill for terrain and ALL the terrain of that type that is on that map level will convert to the new type--not just the connected terrain.  So if you do want to generate a "classic" map and then quickly convert it to another style, you can.  That may be even faster/better than the new configuration window we showed recently.

We've been doing daily videos of different Worldographer things (mostly 2025 details/improvements) in our Youtube channel.  See them all here.  The most recent video is showing those enhancements to adding terrain and features to the tool--and the new paint-bucket-terrain option.

I'm still taking suggestions for our next new features poll.  While I'm trying to collect them from all over (other comments here, facebook comments, emails to support, discord, etc... don't be shy to post an idea here to be more sure I get it in the next poll.

Thanks again!

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