Inkwell Ideas
3 months ago

Project Update: Next Worldographer 2025 Poll!

Hey folks!

Thanks again for supporting/showing interest in our Worldographer 2025 project!

As promised, we've got a link to a new poll (it may be in a "backers only" section of this post, so if you've backed this project you should see it).  I've done my best to scour comments for feature suggestions.  In a few cases I asked for clarification questions and didn't see answers yet. In a few other cases I felt the request was a bit too specialized or we had ways to pull that feature off in an indirect way.  But I also want to focus much more on testing, so our remaining poll choices are mostly smaller in scope than the ones that won last week's poll.

For anyone following the project but hasn't backed it yet, please do give the demo a try and back it if it seems it will fit your needs--especially if you see the potential as we add a few more features and iron out the kinks.  Plus you'll get to vote in our remaining polls.

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content




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