Project Update: Pin set clarification
It was brought to my attention that the graphics I've been sharing showing off the pins may have been a bit misleading.
The graphics had wording on them that could make it seem like the large pin came with the mini pin as a set. This is incorrect. The full size pins and mini pins will be sold separately.
I will have specific pledge levels available where you can buy them together as a set, but the price will reflect that you're getting 2 separate pins.
I deeply apologize if those graphics misled anyone else. It didn't occur to me that those graphics could be seen that way until someone pointed it out. I hope this doesn't come as too big a disappointment to folks, and I hope you're still excited for the set!
Thanks for understanding, and I'll see you tomorrow!
Project Update: Holy Biblically accurate Batman!
Woah! I am blown away! Thank you everyone! You’re amazing!
We are steamrolling through the stretch goals, and I’ve already begun planning more pins.
A succubus.
A biblically accurate cat?
A god?
A suggestion from my backers and the community!
Please comment below what you feel would be fitting for Infinite & Infernal!
Thank you for your support!
Project Update: THANK YOU??? + Pay Over Time issue
I am...floored??? Y'all got the campaign to over 10k in less than 2 hours which might actually be a new launch record for me?? That's insane...I'm SO grateful!!
Also, it was brought to my attention that the Pay Over Time feature was not working. I apparently had a massive brain fart and forgot to enable it... But, it's enabled now! I'm so sorry if that caused any confusion!
If you want to switch to using POT for your pledge, I imagine you can do that by clicking "manage your pledge" on the campaign page.
Again, thank you SO FRICKEN MUCH I honestly am just baffled and so happy. ;v;
I have a convention this weekend that I still have a lot of prep to do for, but I'll be around and thinking about more potential stretch goals during that time as well. I know one more stretch goal I want to do already, that I'll work on announcing within the next day or two :))
Thank you SO MUCH!!! And I'll talk to you again soon!
Project Update: Day One and Campaign Community Design
Early Bird and Returning Backer Rewards
Community Design
- Theme: you can cast your votes by "liking" the themes commented on the post, or if you have an idea for a new theme you can comment that. The theme with the most likes will be selected.
- Monster: I've pitched a few ideas in the comments but just like with Theme, you can comment if you have your own idea and the most-liked monster idea will be selected.
- Twist: An optional twist on the design! This can be anything, such as the monster's occupation, an idea for an accessory, etc.
Preorder Designs
If you are only interested in those designs, I recommend you follow the campaign to be notified when the preorders are open. You don't have to pledge to the campaign for these designs.
Cross-Collab Campaigns
And if you're looking for even more pins, check out the rest of the Oddities & Obscura collection! If you pledge to all the campaigns you'll receive a set of freebie mini pins. I thought I'd share my favorite designs from each campaign below. You can click on the pin graphics or banners to go to each campaign and pledge to help fund these designs!
I'll be back with another update at the end of Week Two. Have a great rest of your evening :))
Check out the Oddities & Obscura projects linked below!
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
This user contributed to this community!
Just wondering if stickers of the pin designs will be available. I love so many of them but I'm not sure I can afford to get pins of all of them. In either case I'm extremely excited to get some more of your wonderful art as pins!
Project Update: All Pins Unlocked! What’s next?
WOW. I don’t have words. We rolled right on through every pin in one day, and funded in a matter of minutes.
So we’re funded… what’s next?
Well backers have expressed interest in what pins they’d like to see.
Succubus to match the Incubus.
Lucifer as the light bringer.
Biblically accurate eel—I don’t know where to begin with this, but I am so intrigued!
A many headed beast from the Bible.
Please voice your ideas. What do YOU want? Think sin and celestial.
I’ll generate a poll based off of your input! I love involving the community.
Thank you all so much,
Project Update: Funded first design!
You are all so amazing and thank you!
We have hit the first design goal in about 2 hours?!
That’s absolutely wild! I appreciate you all so much!
We’re really all so appreciative across the whole project!
So now that weren’t funded unraveling the next design goal is Eclipse!!!
Project Update: Funded and 50% of stretch goals UNLOCKED!
-Katie (Pangolin)
Project Update: Are You Ready!? New & Finished Designs!
It's almost time! I am SO nervous and SO excited!
Thank you everyone for following along this pre-launch journey. You are AWESOME!
Reminder about the Early Bird special!
And *NEW* for returning backers!
And if you missed it... this big bad boy is ready to come home with you--but can you handle him?
Oh and I nearly forgot to share this literal bad boy...
I will totally be changing the red to be more muted. It wasn't showing up as bright on my iPad! Regardless, he is daddy material.
Also here is a new design I whipped up last night!
I'm ready! I'm ready!
Project Update: All designs UNLOCKED - Time for some extra stretch goals!
I am completely blown away by the show of support today! In less than forty five minutes, y'all fully funded this project, and then not three hours later unlocked ALL the initial stretch goals - I couldn't believe my eyes! THANK YOU!
I greatly appreciate your support and would like to make some additional stretch goals guided by your feedback. I've created a poll and would love your opinions on what direction I should take these new pins.
The poll closes Wednesday March 19th at 10 pm MST.
Thank you again, you are all making the magic happen!
-Katie (Pangolin)